Our Approach

Addiction Rehab In Toronto, ON
We provide comprehensive client-centred Addiction treatment for individuals and their families experience addiction, substance abuse, behavioural problems, and resulting life challenges. We offer a safe, compassionate and holistic approach to support long-term recovery by using a diverse range of Addiction treatment methods and best practices.
Addiction Rehab Toronto works to facilitate the rehabilitation of our clients that suffer from substance abuse/dependency using proven traditional methods in conjunction with a holistic approach. We are committed to instilling life skills and core values required to safely transition our clients back to their family, professional lives and provide them with the necessary tools for sustained healing.

ART envisions a new standard of treatment for our clients by creating a community of qualified and interdisciplinary individuals who are dedicated to mending the lives of all those affected by Addiction, Addictive behaviours and concurrent disorders. We empower our clients to make a positive lifestyle change by including their families and integrating a biological, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual, client-centered, and holistic approach.
Client-Centred Values:
- Individual needs are different. Services must recognize and respond to the diverse needs of clients – not the reverse.
- Clients and family engagement must be partners in their recovery and participate in shared decision-making, defining and striving for well-being.
- Services focus on client, family and community engagement and best practice
- Services focus on helping people to build self-esteem and pursue a successful, assertive lifestyle.
- Services must be dynamic and evolve to utilize new and effective methods of recovery.
- Services and support are available on a continuum that meets evolving individual client needs.
- Ensure the quality of care and service delivery to the clients by meeting the standards required by the agency’s respective funding sources.
Addiction Rehab Toronto values a compassionate client-centred and safety approach to Addiction treatment. Addiction Rehab Toronto’s best practice is designed to promote confidentiality, transparent communication, ethical behaviour, equality, and respect.
Together, our team consists of Addiction and mental health specialists, psychotherapists, withdrawal management healthcare team, wellness coaches, hospitality staff, and management specialized in Addiction education and Addiction therapy services. As a family, we are committed to creating an environment of acceptance, patience, love and safety. ART values lies in safety, client-centredness, confidentiality, transparent communication and love for those seeking change in their lives as well as support services for families.
Our commitment to our client does not stop once they are discharged. Addiction Rehab Toronto recognizes that recovery extends beyond inpatient care and, therefore, offers a free extended aftercare program. During this stage, we trust that our clients no longer require the level of service provided during inpatient treatment, but still need ongoing support to prevent relapse. In addition, we also want to ensure that our graduates and their families are managing the newfound life of sobriety. We believe through a dedicated partnership with our graduate’s and their families, combined with our ongoing support, life-long recovery can be achieved.
Addiction Rehab Toronto values respect, honesty, and trust – not just as they pertain to the relationships we form with others, but even more importantly, the deep relationship we have with ourselves. Addiction Rehab Toronto’s programs are designed to instill these values while demonstrating the importance of teamwork, forgiveness, and self-worth.
Our aim is to manage substance abuse through individual, group, and family counselling, relapse prevention strategies, and ultimately, sobriety for each person that walks through our doors. Our hope is that each person can live a meaningful life filled with dignity, respect, and purpose.
If you are worried about a loved one suffering from addiction, or if you would like to learn more about our recovery programs, please contact Addiction Rehab Toronto today at 1-855-787-2424. You can also email us at in**@ad*******************.ca.