About Us

My name is Tania B and I am an alcoholic and drug addict. I attended treatment at Addictions Rehab Toronto on October 11th 2015. I was in a 30 day program and my experience was amazing. The center is a very comfortable and welcoming environment. Before attending treatment I was very nervous and scared, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I got there. It definitely wasn’t what I expected at all. Everyone was very friendly, had open arms when I arrived and made me feel very safe. By the third day I already felt like I had belonged to a big family. The staff was absolutely incredible and what I liked the most was that a lot of the staff had been through similar situations. I never once felt uncomfortable or that I was being judged for my addiction. I made friendships with the other clients as well during my stay that I still keep in contact with and talk to all the time as my support network. I am very big on hygiene and things being clean. The center was always very clean and spotless. Rooms were spacious, cozy and you are able to make it your own during your stay. It was never boring in our free time we always had something to do whether it be games, cards, movies, basketball, yoga, or using the gym. Food was incredible; I never once went hungry and always fresh cooked meals and desserts everyday by the Chef. I was able to learn so much about myself and work through my addictions, along with so many other issues that I never realized I even had. If it wasn’t for the owners and staff of this treatment centre I would not be alive today. I can proudly say I am 6 months sober and I could never picture my life any other way. I would recommend anyone who is suffering from addiction or alcoholism to surrender and let the staff of Addiction Rehab Toronto help you. They saved my life!
Tania B
Wow what can I say? That I’m glad to be alive? That I get to be a father again? That I am in the best shape of my life physically? Or how about the fact that I’m not in jail? Best of all I am SOBER and I could not have done it without the help of Addiction Rehab Toronto!!! When I was curled up in my hospital bed yellow literally with my liver the age of a 70 year old man with no hope and no life to live for, two strangers came to my rescue and guided me to the help I needed not only for my addiction but also for motivation, strength and guidance to become the man I am today! With all the great help from the entire staff to the feeling of comfort and home like atmosphere I knew I was in the right place. It took hard work on my part with all the right tools provided for me as long as I put in the work and was patient, and by doing that I reaped the rewards of a new beginning in life. So all I can say to anyone in need and anyone who wants a life worth living for … Go to Addiction Rehab Toronto and give yourself another chance at a new beginning because you deserve it!! From my experience this is the greatest gift I have ever received next to the birth of my son! So thank you so much!!! Love and Respect!!!
When my daughter, Melissa attended Addiction Rehab Toronto in the summer of 2015. She was there because of her risky behaviours, the main one being drug use. She was smoking a lot of weed and was being offered other drugs as well. She had spent 2 years going down hill quickly, making poor decisions that were affecting her health and safety. I was concerned about her lack of care for herself. She lost weight and didn’t seem to care how she dressed. She didn’t want to attend school and was very moody. The people she hung around were not safe and had little care for her well-being.
She had left home in the Spring and went to live with my Mother. This was difficult because my Mother and I had no contact with each other and she didn’t know the extent of Melissa’s issues. I decided I needed to contact her and let her know. When I told her about the drug use, my Mother agreed to help do whatever it takes to help Melissa. She convinced Melissa to go to treatment and that afternoon we went to Addiction Rehab Toronto.
Within a short time, we began to see big changes in Melissa. She was pleasant, smiling and talked more. She was thankful and began early in her treatment, to really learn from the counsellors there about addiction and overcoming it. She began to learn about family issues, communication and healthy choices. She was in a safe place to relax and learn about herself and learn about why she had made the choices she made. She began to take responsibility for her actions and behaviour and wanted to work on strengthening our relationship.
When my daughter, Melissa attended Addiction Rehab Toronto in the summer of 2015. She was there because of her risky behaviours, the main one being drug use. She was smoking a lot of weed and was being offered other drugs as well. She had spent 2 years going down hill quickly, making poor decisions that were affecting her health and safety. I was concerned about her lack of care for herself. She lost weight and didn’t seem to care how she dressed. She didn’t want to attend school and was very moody. The people she hung around were not safe and had little care for her well-being.
She had left home in the Spring and went to live with my Mother. This was difficult because my Mother and I had no contact with each other and she didn’t know the extent of Melissa’s issues. I decided I needed to contact her and let her know. When I told her about the drug use, my Mother agreed to help do whatever it takes to help Melissa. She convinced Melissa to go to treatment and that afternoon we went to Addiction Rehab Toronto.
Within a short time, we began to see big changes in Melissa. She was pleasant, smiling and talked more. She was thankful and began early in her treatment, to really learn from the counsellors there about addiction and overcoming it. She began to learn about family issues, communication and healthy choices. She was in a safe place to relax and learn about herself and learn about why she had made the choices she made. She began to take responsibility for her actions and behaviour and wanted to work on strengthening our relationship.
She also began to care about her appearance and began to re-gain some lost weight. She made friends with everyone at treatment and appreciated the help that each of the staff at Addiction Rehab Toronto gave her. The staff immediately treated her with value, care and respect. When she phoned home, she always mentioned the staff and how good they were to her. She was able to talk about some rather traumatic events that have happened in her life. She trusted the staff so much that she told at least one counsellor “everything”. She also trusted the other participants in treatment and was able to share in group sessions. The visits with Melissa were very encouraging as my Mother and I saw for ourselves the many changes Melissa had made in a short time.
The staff was always friendly and welcoming when we came for visits. We felt that the Centre involved us as part of the team for Melissa’s recovery. As her graduation date neared, she had mixed emotions. She knew it would be hard to leave the people she had gotten so close to, yet she knew she was ready to come home and live a life of recovery with new tools, supports and perspective. She was very hopeful about her success and attended weekly after-care sessions for months after leaving treatment.
Melissa has been home for seven months now and has continued to stay away from drugs and has kept in touch with many of the people she met in treatment. She is pleasant, co-operative and helpful. I am so happy as her Mother, to have Melissa back!!! Thank you!!
Patty B
The immense love for my daughter is beyond anything describable. Watching addiction take over her life and watching her slowly deteriorate over the years to the point that I did not know from one day to the next if she would succumb to the drugs has been horrendous to say the least. When faith and hope were at my all time lowest in this journey our path took us to Addiction Rehab Toronto. I spoke to Jeff about my daughter’s addiction and immediately I felt he truly understood addiction and with that alone I remember feeling some intense relief. He also realized the grave and immediate danger my daughter was in and worked to accommodate a last minute admission. The only problem was that I was unsure if my daughter would accept this admission but Jeff encouraged me to make my way to the Addiction Rehab Toronto with her nonetheless. When we arrived at Addiction Rehab Toronto my daughter dug in her heels and wanted nothing to do with it. We had no choice but to leave and I was certain I was on my trek back home to await my daughter’s death. Enroute my daughter reluctantly changed her mind and Jeff agreed to have her return for admission. Once at the centre this second time however, my daughter again dug in her heels and we had no choice but to start our trek home and again I immediately began preparing my heart and soul for her demise. Fortunately, before we got too far from Addiction Rehab Toronto she changed her mind a third time and requested I bring her back. Jeff pressed her about her intentions and thankfully they permitted her admission. As she continued to grapple with the addiction and its hold on her, she often wanted to discharge herself but each time the staff, Jeff took the time to talk with her and encourage her. Ultimately no one gave up on her and by the grace of God she made an amazing decision to turn her will and her life over to Him. As she did this she was well supported at Addiction Rehab Toronto so to allow for her new found connection with God and her choice to pursue a clean and sober life to be nurtured. She was supported as she made decisions about her future but when needed she was also challenged in some of these. This helped her to realize that even though she is transforming her life and as she grows in this miracle she is still vulnerable and her need to work hard will continue so it is best to do so with as much support in her daily life as possible. This allowed her to make the next significant decision for herself which was to enter a sober living home after treatment and continue in Addiction Rehab Toronto’s aftercare and ongoing support that they provide. I am profoundly grateful to Addiction Rehab Toronto in all that they have done for my daughter and continue to do. Not only has she found true faith, hope for her future, and renewed peace in her heart, but so have I.
I want to thank you for helping to save our lives. That is really the only way I can describe what Addiction Rehab Toronto did for our family. Our story is not a pretty one, just as I am sure the history of anyone who is reading this is. The heartache, pain, stealing, lies and total disregard for the people that love him made it impossible for him to continue to live as a part of our family. Addiction can tear a family apart and there are minimal resources available to turn to. Prior to finding Addiction Rehab Toronto my son was on the verge of prison or death due to his addiction to opiates. We had been to numerous counsellors and addictions facilities for over two years and nothing had helped. He had even spent 30 days at another facility which ended in him checking himself out and landing back on the streets. When our addictions counsellor introduced us to Jeff I immediately knew we were finally in the right place. They approached his issues from a different perspective. They helped my son recognize his grief and trauma that led to his addiction. They integrated our family into the process which helped give him the support system he needed and us the tools to accomplish it. You will not find this at other facilities. They helped him find himself with dignity. They planted the seed and gave him the tools to water it. My son now recognizes where he was and where he is now and for the first time in as long as I can remember he is proud of himself. For the first time in his life he has the desire and skills necessary to overcome the obstacles that life will throw. He is learning how to conquer his demons, handle stress, anxiety, and difficult situations. He is now home and preparing to start school in September with some trepidation but mostly excitement. The journey ahead of him is long and the trail is still treacherous but his new self-worth, determination and knowledge has made the road to recovery not only a possibility but a probability. Thank you so much. Words alone cannot express our gratitude.
Cori N.
Addiction is a powerful disease in which there is no known cure. It can however be arrested at some point. This powerful disease took over my entire life, making it completely unmanageable and unliveable. I could not bear to not be under the influence of drugs/alcohol at any time. I wanted to stop, but couldn’t. I tried everything; medicine, religion, psychiatry, etc. My life and thinking was centred in drugs – getting, using and finding ways and means to get more. I was quickly and vigorously self-destructing.
One day, my friend told me about something, in which at that point I thought nothing of. His friend, Jeff , was opening up a treatment centre in Toronto called Addiction Rehab Toronto. I thought to myself, I don’t need treatment; I can stop on my own. Unfortunately, that was not the case. I needed a few more months of getting my “head smashed in” before I could accomplish the hardest thing known to mankind; Surrender. Surrender to the fact I am powerless over my addiction and I cannot have what I want, to “run the show” of my life.
I have known Jeff as an acquaintance for a few years, and with out surprise, he welcomed me into his centre with open arms. I stayed there for 45 days. This was a pivotal point in my life today, and without question, the best decision I have ever made. I shared a deep connection with every single staff member, making it easy to talk about how I am feeling and what I needed help with. The ratio of staff is very small, unlike most treatment centres, which gave me the opportunity for them to get to know me very well. These are the people who have provided me with the tools that have changed my life, and gotten me where I am today. Further, I made great connections and attained outstanding support from the other clients. Everyone, regardless of age, race, upbringing, etc., all have the same common problem and are working towards the same goal; getting better.
Today, my life is the exact opposite of what it used to be like. I experienced a complete ‘up side down’ change of my way of thinking, behaving and feeling. I have transformed mentally, spiritually and emotionally into a different human being. I know longer have the obsession to use drugs/alcohol, have the ability to cope with difficult situations, and have found internal joy and happiness without the use of drugs/alcohol.
Very simply, an addict is a man or woman whose life is controlled by drugs. If you feel this way, as did I, there is a solution. I deeply thank Jeff to his service to all in need that are in search for a better way of life.
Kary P.
My family is blessed to have our son our back. My son has been dealing with his drug addiction for over 10 years, and so have we, as his family. It has been a painful journey for us all until he wanted the help. Addiction Rehab Toronto became my son’s home. All the people that were there lived together in a family setting. it was warm and welcoming and I always felt safe to be there. I knew that my son was safe and well cared for. He always had someone to talk to when he needed it and felt accepted and treated with respect.
It has been a incredible journey for our family as we watched our son go through his recovery and transformation. Addiction Rehab Toronto has supported all of us with open communication, guidance, family counseling, and just having someone to talk to when I needed it. My son has been given the guidance, structure, and routine that has helped him on this journey. With regular good meals, supervised outings, structured counseling, fun activities, fitness, along with regular meetings with the recovery community have established a solid structure that he now follows since the completion of his treatment.
His aftercare program has made all the difference in his ability to handle everyday life. He has regular counseling as he works through his struggles as he re-enters into normal activities provided with an outlet for communication, established a support network and a plan.
I thank God every day for this gift at a new life for my son, and a new relationship with him. Thanks to Jeff and his staff for their kindness, support and guidance. They are truly very special people doing an amazing job.
Josie F.
I came to Addiction Rehab Toronto because my life had become nothing more then finding the next fix. I got kicked out of school for selling drugs, as if that wasn’t enough I got evicted from my apartment a month later. It was at the point that I called Jeff from Addiction Rehab Toronto. I told him I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t live a life of chaos, pain and insanity. When I came to Addiction Rehab Toronto I found experienced staff members including a therapist that was unreal. The staff helped me develop the tools I needed to recover and help me live a life free of drugs. They created an environment in which I could grow and flourish. They changed my life and taught me to be confident in myself and who I am. Today I’m a much different person then I was when I came in. I’m so grateful I made the decision of coming to Addiction Rehab Toronto.
Phil G.
Addiction Rehab Toronto was Godsent. My testimony is about my son who has had major addiction issues to drugs and alcohol and had gotten in trouble with the law starting at the age of 13. This was devastating to me and my family, we have lived in fear everyday. He was in and out of treatment for the last three years. Last November of 2014, it was a Sunday, and his addiction had gotten worse, and he was not able to stop even though he wanted to. His addiction had taken over him and I knew if I didn’t get him help from somewhere he was going to die. Monday morning my son got a call from Addiction Rehab Toronto Treatment Center, and he was immediately admitted. my son is doing amazing and is working on his future. This place is all about love and support that they give unconditionally. Being a mother who loves her child so much, all I could say is thank you from the bottom of my heart. To Jeff and all the wonderful staff, you have changed our lives. LOVE YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU.
Sophie A.
This place was my familys 3rd attempt at putting me in rehab for my drug problem. My parents tried here because they heard through another family about how well their son did here. I entered feeling hopeless and shameful. My life was a serious mess. I was broken and angry and hated myself. I am happy to say that Addiction Rehab Toronto is the last treatment I will ever need to enter, and I will never do drugs again. What made this place different than the others was the way they treated me. I was not another face in the centre. From the minute I walked in I felt like I was home. The staff was so nice and trustworthy and you can tell they really love their jobs. I was so used to people just giving up on me but they never did. They worked hard with me on my anger issues and anxiety. I always had the private attention I needed when I needed it. I also had the support of an amazing group of other guys in treatment around my age. Thank you so much for saving my life. Me and my family are forever.
Nick A.
Addiction Rehab Toronto saved me. My life wasn’t going anywhere good until I walked in the front door. All of the Counselors and my peers at Addiction Rehab Toronto were amazing and truly welcoming. I made some amazing friends and met some great mentors in recovery. I called Addiction Rehab Toronto home because it really did feel like home for me. Walking in those doors was and is the best decision I’ve ever made in my entire life. Addiction Rehab Toronto is an amazing and a wonderful place to begin a new life worth living.
Ethan S.
My son attended Addiction Rehab Toronto for drug rehabilitation from January 18th to April 20th, 2015. He was addicted to marijuana and various other “soft” drugs. He was defiant, angry, unfocused, had been expelled from school and refused to follow household rules. Addiction Rehab Toronto has helped him turn his life around. Their qualified counsellors and therapists have helped him with his addiction and anger issues and provided him with the skills that he needs to move on to the next stage in his life. My personal observations of the changes in my son are that he is more respectful of others and no longer insistent he is always right. He is dedicated to a “12 Step Program” process and attends at least three meeting’s a week. He has found focus, increased self-esteem and the tools he needs to keep himself drug free.
As for Addiction Rehab Toronto, my son enjoyed the home-cooked meals, the on-site gym and laundry and the organized outings. He found the counsellors to be supportive, professional and empathetic.
I would recommend Addiction Rehab Toronto to families looking for treatment for their sons or daughters with drug and alcohol problems.
C. Gilmore
Addiction Rehab Toronto is a well designed and decorated centre providing a warm and cozy feeling, easing the transition into recovery. Counselors took the initiative to make sure all my bases were covered and helped me prepare a plan of action, which included housing preparations, establishing a support system, with aftercare options. The staff at Addiction Rehab Toronto is professional, approachable, relate-able, and warm; more so than I have experienced at other treatment centers. The meals are freshly prepared and delicious, and if your really hungry which I was you can always ask for seconds, they also had healthy snack alternatives available throughout the day. I would recommend this place to anyone looking for treatment and eager to begin a new sober life.
Sam H.
I have to say I was really nervous and anxious prior to beginning my 30 day journey at Addiction Rehab Toronto Treatment Center. To my surprise, I felt welcomed, comfortable and relieved within my first few days at the center. The staff, environment and program was great! The other residents and I formed a family bond and I knew from just my first week that I was in the right treatment center and my recovery was off to a great start. I am forever grateful to Eric and all those who helped me get through the tough challenges that recovery can bring to an addicts path.