
What is cocaine addiction?
Cocaine has a somewhat illustrious history. In the late nineteenth century, Sigmund Freud recommended its use as a medical treatment for depression and – ironically – substance abuse. It became legally available for use in medications and carbonated beverages. As the resulting rise in the use of cocaine became linked with some undesirable effects, governments started to ban it or restrict its use.
Classed as a stimulant, cocaine makes people feel alert, energetic and euphoric. It also creates a tolerance to these effects. In other words, users have to consume ever-increasing amounts of it is order to feel those effects.
Although cocaine was originally derived from the leaves of the coca bush, it is often synthetically made in illegal laboratories. Manufacturers often mix the cocaine with other substances, and this makes the addiction and the withdrawal potentially dangerous.
Cocaine addiction is often paired with other substance abuse problems.

How does cocaine addiction affect people?
Cocaine use can have serious long-term consequences, not only for the user, but for other people. Some of the effects include the following:
- Mood swings and irrational behaviour
- Difficulty sleeping or eating
- Increased risk of heart disease or respiratory problems
- Impotence
- Pregnant women can give birth to babies who suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which means the babies are born addicted to cocaine
What are the signs of cocaine addiction?
People who are experiencing cocaine addiction can show a number of physical and behavioural signs, including the following:
- Financial or legal problems resulting from household and creditor funds being used to finance the addiction
- Physical or verbal aggression
- Restlessness, anxiety and irritability
- Continued use of the drug even when the user is aware that it is causing problems
- A dry mouth, elevated heart rate and rapid breathing
- Dilated pupils
- Withdrawal symptoms when the user has gone without cocaine for a period of time: these include nausea, vomiting and chills
- Frequent mood swing and irrational behaviour
When someone is addicted to cocaine, the drug gradually takes over their life. They become consumed with the need to get more cocaine, and this starts to affect their relationships with loved ones.
Cocaine addiction treatment
Addiction Rehab Toronto is a facility that provides cocaine addiction treatment in Toronto. People with addictions to cocaine are guided through medically supervised withdrawal, and through a variety of treatment methods they are given the tools to overcome their addictions, repair their relationships and lead positive, productive lives. For more information, refer to our cocaine addiction treatment page.