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Aftercare Programming for Successful Recovery at Addiction Rehab Toronto
The most successful of our clients who have completed their treatment program here at Addiction Rehab Toronto have done so by adhering to our Aftercare Programming for Alumni. One of the greatest risks for an addict following a successful completion of our treatment program is isolation. An individual who believes they have learned all they can from our program and severs their ties with us has put themselves at great risk of relapse.
The care and support offered here at Addiction Rehab Toronto does not end at the completion of the treatment program but continues on with our monthly Alumni Meetings and our Client Care Follow-Up Program. The purpose of these programs are to help our alumni keep connected both as a resource in their recovery, but also as a networking tool.
We believe one of the most important components to a successful recovery is developing and maintaining a support network. It is for this reason we encourage all of our clients to attend the Alumni meetings. Clients are offered the opportunity to stay connected with their peers and our staff, building on their network while enjoying the company of those who understand the journey of recovery.
Along with our Alumni Meetings, we provide additional support through our Client Care Follow-Up Program. The first year of recovery following our treatment program is very important, and to support our clients through this we provide regular contact, offering encouragement and extra support where needed.
With these two Aftercare Programs, our alumni are put on a course to successful recovery and sobriety. For us at Addiction Rehab Toronto treatment is only the beginning to a long and fulfilling story of recovery and redemption.