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can you overdose on molly

Can You Overdose on Molly?

It’s possible to overdose on molly. The uncertain part is overdosing on ecstasy doesn’t always mean you’ve taken a lot of it. Molly usage has different reactions in people’s body systems — depending on factors including immunity, dose, and composition of the drug.

Also known as MDMA or ecstasy, Molly is a Psychoactive drug — famous for its hyper effects. According to the Canadian Criminal Code, Molly is an illegal drug in the country. But its illegal status hasn’t stopped cases of overdose in Toronto.

You may experience minor or significant reactions if you overdose on ecstasy. This article will explore the effects of molly overdose and the best treatment options for the short and long term.

Signs and Symptoms of Molly Overdose?

It’s not a common practice to overdose on molly, but it’s not impossible. The signs of ecstasy overdose vary from minor to dangerous. Here are some of them;

Minor Signs of Ecstasy Overdose

The initial signs of molly overdose are similar to the effects felt within a few minutes of ingesting the tablet. Some of the signs include;

  • You’ll have an increased amount of energy
  • Display of emotions, including empathy and more talking.
  • Irrational body movements that you can’t stop
  • Blur visuals
  • Confusion and anxiety
  • Uneasiness
  • Irregular sweating
  • Lockjaw
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Panic attack

Dangerous Signs of Ecstasy Overdose

The dangerous signs of MDMA overdose are rare. Usually, these symptoms occur when you mix ecstasy with other drugs or take it with impurities.

Here are some of the lethal signs of molly overdose;

  • Increased body temperature. In some cases, this may turn into hyperthermia.
  • High heart beat rate and blood pressure
  • Seizures
  • Unconsciousness
  • Fainting
  • Sudden panic episodes
  • Kidney issues
  • Death

dangerous signs of ecstasy overdose

Factors Affecting Your Symptoms When You Overdose on Molly

The symptoms experienced when you overdose on molly don’t come from the drug alone. It’s usually a combination of other factors, including the drug.

Let’s discuss some of these factors;

  • Purity of ecstasy Drug: Molly is usually not a pure drug. According to Pubmed analysis, ecstasy can contain other compounds, including cocaine, caffeine, and other amphetamines. You may experience a major overdose if you take molly combined with other toxic drugs.
  • Molly Dosage: Stacking and piggybacking are terms related to molly drug usage. Stacking refers to when you take three tablets at once, while piggybacking is when you take many tablets within a short period. Stacking or piggybacking will leave too much ecstasy in your blood for your body to metabolize.
  • Drug Tolerance and Genes: The way ecstasy reacts in people differs depending on the genes. Your genes influence your brain receptors, which are responsible for drug reactions. You’re at a higher risk of molly overdose if you have a low drug tolerance.
  • Immune System: Your body’s immunity can contribute to how you react. If there’s an underlying health factor before you overdose on molly, you may experience fatal symptoms.
  • Environment: Another name for molly is party drug. As such, you’ll come across this drug at parties and clubs. The loud, chaotic nature of most Toronto clubs can worsen the symptoms of molly overdose.

Related Article: Preventing Fentanyl Overdose: Life-Saving Information and Resources

What to Do During MDMA Overdose?

The next few steps you take after you overdose on molly are critical. Here’s what to do after an ecstasy overdose.

Remain Calm and Think Clearly

The first thing you want to do is to remain as calm as possible.

If you’re the patient involved, find a quiet place and sit in your most convenient position. Call your closest neighbour or loved one to come to help you.

If you’re not the patient, help them to their most convenient position and call for help.

Call an Emergency Line

The emergency number for medical, fire, and police emergencies in Toronto is 911. 911 is a toll-free number you can use at a payphone center or home. If you’re in an office, dial an outside number before 911 can go through.

Remember that seconds matter in emergencies. So, take your time to explain the situation, but remember you don’t have so much time. The details you’ll need to share include;

  • The emergency
  • The type of service required
  • Your location
  • Your name

Ontario has a poison centre dedicated to cases of drug overdose, including molly. You can contact them on 1 844 764 7669 or 1 800 268 9017 to speak with medical personnel quickly. The call is also toll-free.

Drink a lot of Water

If you overdose on molly and you’re still conscious, try to take as much fluids as possible. Water is a great option, but if you can find liquids containing electrolytes, it’s better. Sports drinks and Gatorade are great options.

According to a University of Hampshire’s 2023 report, water containing electrolytes contains minerals your blood relies on. In addition, these types of liquids keep you hydrated. As such, the more you drink liquids with electrolytes, the higher the amount of ecstasy in your body.

Examine Patient

If you have someone with an ecstasy overdose who has lost consciousness, you need to examine the patient. Start by checking their response to sound, touch, and pain.

Your examination will determine your following line of action. For example, you can undress the patient if they’re experiencing increased body temperatures. They may also need a cold bath if they’re experiencing hyperthermia.

Alongside, position the patient in the most convenient position for breathing. Ensure that their air tracts are clear while you wait for help.

examine patient

What’s Next After Molly Overdose

Molly’s overdose can be deadly, especially if you’re alone. So count yourself lucky if you survive an overdose on Molly. And it would be best if you did everything possible to never get into such situations.

Here’s what’s next after a molly overdose.

Get Initial Treatment

After an ecstasy overdose, it’s always better for the patient to remain under medical care till the drug leaves the body system.

Some of the treatment methods for molly overdose include;

  • Ingesting activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is an emergency option to stop more Molly’s actions in the body.
  • Medication. Your doctor may also administer drugs to control some of the symptoms the patient is experiencing from molly overdose.
  • Stomach pumping. If there is undigested Molly in the system, this process will remove it.


It’s easy to promise yourself to stop taking the drug after you overdose on Molly. But this step is far from easy.

Stopping molly use will come with withdrawal symptoms. The severity of these symptoms depends on the level of your addiction before stopping. Some of the withdrawal symptoms of molly include;

  • Memory loss
  • Loss of focus
  • Depression
  • Perplexed personality
  • Heavy drug craving

It’s best to undergo molly withdrawal at an addiction detox center. There, you’ll get round-the-clock care and medication to manage molly withdrawal symptoms.

Apply for Comprehensive Rehabilitation

Withdrawal from party drugs isn’t the same as molly addiction treatment. You’ll have to submit yourself to a standard rehabilitation center for complete recovery.

A proper rehabilitation center will help you manage and treat the physical and psychological effects of the drug.

At Addiction Rehab Toronto, our party drug addiction rehab program is all-inclusive. We identify the triggers for molly addiction and find a solution. We accept your addiction without judgment and give you a robust support system.

Our staff is why we have one of the best molly addiction programs in Toronto. We’re a team of friendly doctors, psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists. You’re in safe hands with Addiction Rehab Toronto.


Therapy is a critical part of addiction recovery.

Molly is a drug that affects the serotonin levels of your brain, causing intense pleasure. That’s why you’ll always want to maintain that level of serotonin — leading to addiction.

This means you need professional therapy to rewire your thought process and develop systems for dealing with triggers.

At Addiction Rehab Toronto, our therapists have experience with diverse types of molly addiction cases.

Our supportive environment, staffed by therapists, substance abuse specialists, and addiction counsellors, will help you overcome your addiction and lead a positive life free of addiction and self-destructive behaviour.

Our addiction treatment specialists will customize your plan for your needs and circumstances. It will incorporate elements from a variety of treatment options, which include the following:

  • Medically supervised withdrawal
  • Individual counselling
  • Family and group counselling
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Contingency management education
  • Yoga and meditation therapy
  • Life management courses
  • Physical fitness and nutrition
  • Recreational activities

Related Article: Why Is Counselling an Important Part of the Recovery Process?


Molly Addiction Programs in Toronto

You’ll never enjoy the experience if you watch someone overdose on molly. Some situations can be fatal and even lead to death.  And molly overdose can affect anyone, including first-time and long-term users.

The best step after surviving a molly overdose is to apply for complete rehabilitation. Addiction treatment centers understand the reactions you’ll get from the drug and how to control it.

At Addiction Rehab Toronto, your addiction is our problem to solve. We take you as one of our own, creating a customized treatment program that caters to your needs.

We invite you to call us at 1-855-787-2424 or email us at in**@ad*******************.ca. We will assess you, discuss your treatment options, and answer any questions.

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