Our Program

Family counselling is an essential part of recovery
Addictions affect more than just one individual. They usually affect the entire family. The individual might exhibit behaviours that alienate friends and family members, and relationships can suffer devastating consequences. If addiction recovery does not include family therapy to rebuild relationships, the individual has a much higher chance of suffering a relapse.
Families play an even bigger role when they make the painful decision to seek help on behalf of a loved one. This can be a difficult and hurtful process as the loved one becomes combative toward the people who are trying to help him or her. Whether clients seek help themselves or come to us after an intervention, family therapy is an integral part of their treatment.
Family counselling is not only there for the individual, though. The family members themselves may be in need of support, as they often neglect themselves while focusing on the person with the addiction. In some cases, people can suffer traumas – such as assault or marital separation – as a direct result of a loved one’s addiction.

Family therapy is an essential part of treatment
When a new client comes to Addiction Rehab Toronto, his or her family can be included in the initial assessment. Family members are interviewed separately, to ensure that everyone is given the opportunity to speak openly.
Family members can be an essential part of the individual’s treatment. When family is brought into the recovery process, counselling sessions are facilitated by therapists who are experienced in helping people rebuild damaged relationships. If required, we also offer addiction education to help family members understand what their loved one is going through and how they can help the individual and themselves.
Our family therapy program explores many topics, including the following:
- The factors that may have led to the individual’s addiction
- The risk factors for relapse and how family members can help prevent it
- What it means to enable an addict’s self-destructive behaviour
- How to help the individual adjust to an addiction-free lifestyle
- How family members can care for themselves and facilitate their own healing
- Forgiveness and relationship building
Family counselling does not end when inpatient treatment is over
When a client graduates from the inpatient addiction treatment program, Addiction Rehab Toronto continues to support the entire family. During the lifetime aftercare program, the individual and family members can continue to use the services we offer. Families can receive additional education if required, and they can attend individual and family counselling sessions.
The aftercare program is an important component of continuing recovery, not only for the graduate, but for his or her family members, who also have to adjust to a new way of living.
For more information about our family therapy services, please call us at 1-855-787-2424 or email info@addictionrehabtoronto.ca.