Our Treatments

Treatment for Fentanyl Addiction in Toronto, ON
The Opioid Crisis in Canada is having devastating effects. You cannot watch TV or ride the subway without seeing commercials, posters, health-ads and conversations about it. The death tolls in Canada rise every year and according to Statistics Canada, 11 people die of opioid substance abuse each day.
Addiction Rehab Toronto is an inpatient treatment facility for Fentanyl addiction treatment in Toronto. The environment is supportive, positive and free of judgment, and the goal is a long-term recovery. We follow a holistic approach that considers the individual’s spiritual, social and cultural needs. All treatment plans are customized to match the client’s needs and circumstances, and we ensure that loved ones receive support as well.

What is Fentanyl
Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid. Legally, it is used to treat severe pain, usually after surgery. Illegally, it is sold as a powder turned into looking like a prescription. Fentanyl binds opioid receptors, which affect the part of the brain that controls pain and emotion. With the more usage, the higher potency: which increases the risk of overdose.
According to the Government of Canada, Fentanyl and other Fentanyl-related substances is a major operator in the rising of the Opioid crisis. Because of its small stature, low costs and heavier euphoric result – the accessibility of this substance is mapping to youth all the way to older adults. No one is discriminated by this Addiction.
Fentanyl Treatment at Our Rehab
Withdrawal Management
At ART, our detox program is centered around a holistic approach that requires patience and thoughtfulness to ensure long term successful treatment. We understand that the decision to become sober can be uncomfortable as new emotions surface and physical withdrawal symptoms appear. Our team of nurses, counselors, and psychotherapists are consistent in ensuring a safe, respectful, non-judgemental and accepting attitude.
Our intake process begins with healthcare providers performing a physical examination to acknowledge any pre-existing or contributing illnesses. We obtain a drug history and note any mental health concerns in order to identify information to help navigate the withdrawal process. Medications are prescribed based on individual needs, the duration and extent of substance abuse, and are dispensed if and when withdrawal symptoms are observable. We check on our clients hourly, ensuring they are well hydrated and getting adequate rest. The presence of our staff provides clients with reassurance and maintains the client’s confidence in being successful with the detoxification process.
ART staff find the balance between continual supervision and promoting individual autonomy. After the first few days of acute withdrawal and adjustment to our community, clients are encouraged to attend group and individual therapy. Our nurses, psychotherapist and counselors help clients to identify alternative coping mechanisms to reduce client’s reliance on using substances and find comfort in sobriety. Individual relationships are built between our team and clients by maintaining confidentiality and acceptance. We have a team of therapists, substance abuse specialists and addictions counsellors who have helped many clients with their Fentanyl addiction recoveries. They work with individuals through all stages of recovery and offer ongoing support when the inpatient program is over.
For Fentanyl, methadone or suboxone is usually suggested as a medication to help with withdrawals and pain management. Methadone works by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms from Fentanyl Addiction. In addition, we offer treatment programs for those wanting to stop the use of methadone, it does not have to be a permanent solution.
Suboxone is prescribed as a mechanism to help those struggling with opioid addictiosn and are tappering off substance use to stop their opioid substance of choice. In addition, we offer treatment programs for those wanting to stop the use of methadone, it does not have to be a permanent solution. – we also have treatment for those who want to get off of suboxone
Naloxone is an opioid antagonist that can temporarily reverse a fentanyl overdose. It can be used for fentanyl, morphine, heroin, methadone, and oxycodone. The Naloxone kit can be either a nasal spray or a injectible, depending on why or how you may need to use it.
Fentanyl Treatment Programming
Your recovery starts with an assessment and a training plan that is tailored to what you need. Treatment options that are available include the following:
- Professionally supervised detox
- Individual counselling
- Family and group counselling
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Contingency management education
- Yoga and meditation therapy
- Life management courses
- Physical fitness and nutrition
- Relapse prevention education
- Recreational activities
- Aftercare
Does your loved one have a Fentanyl Addiction?
People with substance abuse problems often become very good at hiding their addictions. It can be difficult to tell when someone might have a problem with Fentanyl addiction, particularly if they started by using prescription painkillers for medical reasons. However, there are a few warning signs that might be an indication:
- Running out of prescription painkillers ahead of schedule and having to visit the doctor frequently for refills
- Having a desire to quit and making several unsuccessful attempts to do so
- Going to see multiple doctors in order to get more than one prescription
- Stealing prescription painkillers from other people
- Feeling sick, depressed or irritable when there is not easy access to Fentanyl
- Spending so much time, energy and money to obtain and use Fentanyl that relationships with loved ones take a back seat.
If you can identify with these points, either for yourself or for someone else, it might be time to talk to a professional about the possibility of Fentanyl addiction.