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Addiction Treatment For a Loved One in Toronto
Addiction isn’t something that happens over night. Counsellors who work with those who suffer from addiction say it typically begins with recreational use, eventually becoming integral to one’s life and how they cope with external stressors or stimuli. Repeated use becomes habitual use, which varies from person to person, and the individual feels a need or compulsion to seek out their chosen substance due to either a psychological or physical dependence that has formed. There are always underlying issues as to why people use, there are many different kinds such as abandonment issues, divorce, deaths, mental breakdowns, stressors of life, loss of job, sexual abuse, verbal abuse, loneliness, etc. People use to escape from reality, one does not know how they get to this position, substance use Addiction tends to remove the ability to choose to stop, even if your loved one is desperate to stop.

How can I tell if my loved one is addicted?
As you probably know, it is not easy to recognize addiction early on or that your loved one is involved in any compulsive behaviour. It is important to note that your loved one won’t admit to having a problem, addicts tend to be deceptive about their substance use. There are however signs that you may notice:
- A change in mood, attitude and motivation
- Poor performance at school or work and/or being absent
- Secretive behavior; lying
- Weight changes
- Unexplained increase in spending
- Bloodshot eyes or oddly large pupils
- Changes in pastimes and hobbies that were once enjoyed
- Trembling hands; strange smells
- Changes in sleeping patterns or sleeping in late into the day
- Aggressiveness
- Memory Problems
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Stress
How do I convince my loved one to go to treatment?
This is a common question for those who are looking to help those they love get better. It is typically one of the biggest challenges to help someone get help. At this point, it is important to approach the situation in a calm manner. If possible, it is best to arrange a family meeting or intervention where each person can express their concern about the loved one’s health and behaviour. Another option is to have Addiction Rehab Toronto arrange an intervention for you. Cost is dependent on a few factors, it is best to call +1 (855) 787–2424 to schedule an intervention. A professional interventionist would assist with setting a time and date for family members and friends to sit and express concern for their loved one and the need to get help. This can be an intense situation and interventionists are prepared for it. It is common that interventionists were once addicts themselves, they come prepared and expect the worst. They will also help prepare should you try to persuade your loved one to agree to treatment with a variety of techniques and skills.
How can I force my loved one into treatment?
In most situations, you cannot force a loved one into treatment. Only parents who having issues with an underage child can take their child to treatment. Addiction Rehab Toronto isn’t a jail, we cannot force someone into rehabilitation. Addiction Rehab Toronto provides interventions to intervene and help bring your loved one intro treatment. Once agreed, your loved one can be helped even if he or she goes frustrated and unwilling to participate in the beginning. Hitting “rock bottom” is sometimes necessary in order for someone to attend treatment. Sometimes treatment is the only option when your loved one is confronted by choosing potentially between jail and treatment.
Is an Intervention needed?
Addiction Rehab Toronto provides interventions which will intervene your loved one into accepting the help that’s needed. Addiction Rehab Toronto has an intervention team of qualified and trained professionals that will sit down with the family. Step by step, the interventionist will arrange where, what time, who will be involved, and how the intervention will be executed in being successful. Once your loved one accepts the help through the intervention, we will directly transport them to the facility in starting the treatment program.
What kind of treatment is best for my loved one?
There is no simple answer to these questions, addiction is treated specific to the individuals circumstances, needs, and wants. There are generally two options, in-patient treatment, which is the one most recommended and out-patient treatment. The reason in-patient treatment is advised is because typically the environments you live in have many triggers set in place. These triggers are antecedents or what comes before what leads into drug seeking or drug using behaviour. Another reason is that a change in your environment will allow you to form new behaviours that with a proper plan, strategy and goals set in place will last a lifetime. A life without substance use and abuse alongside addictive behaviours. Out-patient treatment is typically done as an option after in-patient treatment. These counselling sessions are to provide a relapse prevention plan and help solve any issues that came up regarding mental health and addiction. Addiction Rehab Toronto is a fully accredited fee-for-service private facility that provides medical detox, psychotherapy, family care, and life-time aftercare all in one place. In terms of psychotherapy and counseling. We offer C.B.T., D.B.T., Motivational Interviewing, Solution-focused therapy, Anger Management, Mindfulness-based Stress reduction, Grief and Loss Therapy, Motivational Interviewing and much more. As a client-centred facility, treatment is designed according to client needs and wants. After treatment, Addiction Rehab Toronto offers Life-time Aftercare counselling sessions are provided 4 times a week as part of the Relapse Prevention Program, this is included. This will sustain long-term recovery and sobriety maintenance moving towards the future.
How can I afford to pay for treatment?
Private addiction treatment specializes in personalized individual client-centred care. Our facility, Normally Addiction Rehab Toronto can have a loved one attend treatment within 24 to 48 hours. There is a careful psychological and physical assessment that will help specify treatment for the client. This is how a comprehensive program is designed to provide betterment for your loved one. It is important to be financially secure, private treatment carries with it a fee, for information on pricing it is best to call +1 (855) 787 – 2424. A monthly payment treatment plan can be arranged for your loved one if needed. We provide financial assistance through a finance company called Medicard. They will inform you on a monthly payment plan that works for you. For more information: https://addictionrehabtoronto.ca/rehab-admission/payment/