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How To Help A Loved One Get Through Addiction Treatment

Getting help for a loved one going through addiction can be tough. You see, the effect of their addiction extends beyond their well-being. It can be mentally and emotionally stressful for you as well.

In the article, we will discuss how you can help loved ones with addiction treatment. From providing support to being there for them emotionally, we’ll help you crack it.

Factors That Can Lead to Addiction in Your Loved Ones

Before you decide on how to help an addicted friend, you need to know the cause of the addiction. There are a lot of other factors, both internal and external that may lead to addiction. Identifying the source of such addictions can make it easier to help.

Some of these potential factors are:

  • Drug abuse from an early age
  • Family history of drug intake and drinking
  • Emotional and physiological trauma
  • Genetics

Understanding the origin will enable you to know how to provide support for them during addiction treatment. We will go into each factor in detail for the sake of clarity.

Drug abuse from an early age

teen agers

Addiction can begin at a tender age. Early exposure to such vices can make addiction difficult to curb at a later age. A person who takes drugs and alcohol very early gets these substances hooked to their system.

They become dependent on the substances and it negatively affects their body’s chemical composition. The pleasure centers of the brain become used to the effects of the drugs. Over time, the body gets used to the drugs and craves higher amounts.

Family History of Drug Intake and Drinking

Most habits developed in a person manifest from within the family. If you want to help loved ones with addiction treatment, make sure to know their family history. A person with an alcoholic father will most likely follow in his footsteps.

Emotional and physiological trauma

Stress and anxiety have been heavily associated with substance abuse. A person who has suffered great pain in the past may use drugs to numb the pain. In doing so, they can be dependent on these substances to get through their daily lives.

To support loved ones struggling with addiction, the trauma must be confronted. Help your family member to navigate their trauma without relying on their addiction.



This can be a difficult factor to battle when helping loved ones with addiction treatment. A long abuse of substances by a progenitor can greatly influence the hereditary of a person.

Addiction from a parent can also manifest as natural cravings in a family member. When these cravings are managed poorly, the end result is addiction.

Related article: The Importance of Accountability to Your Addiction Treatment Process

Ways to Help A Loved One With Addiction Treatment

You have identified the potential factors that can lead to addiction. Next, you need to help loved ones with their addiction treatment. It is important to not rush the process when helping an addicted friend.

Educate Yourself on Their Addiction

It is easy to judge someone from a distance without understanding their plight. Before you can help your loved one with their addiction treatment, you need to be familiar with it.

Read up on the triggers for their addiction. Understand the disease process of the addiction. Find out how it affects families and friends. Awareness is a strength, and it will assist you to appreciate yourself and your loved one further.

Consult Support Groups on Their Behalf

It will cause a great deal of stress when you have a loved one with an addiction. Thankfully, there are some groups that can help you learn how to work with addicts. These groups can offer support and assist them.

They provide 12-step programs for alcohol and hard drug abuse. Also, there are many facilities for addiction treatment in Canada. Consulting with them early will increase the chances of recovery. These treatment centers have the appropriate services necessary for your loved ones.

support group

Organize an Intervention

This is a very unpopular option due to how out of control it can be. It has been known to be very confrontational. Hence, make sure not to be judgmental of the person battling the addiction.

Create a safe space for them to express themselves and explain their addiction. Do not make it one-sided. Instead, advise them on measures to take to curb the habit. This will greatly help your loved ones with their addiction treatment.

Secure counselling for yourself

Having private counselling to support you can be helpful. Counselling isn’t about the addict alone. The more you can handle the situation, the better you will be able to serve your loved one.

Getting yourself prepared makes it easier to manage the addiction of your loved ones. The addiction process can be challenging for you. Preparing your mind makes it easier to help loved ones with addiction treatment.

Avoid Enabling the Habit

When addiction takes place, it is hard on you and other family members. Family members have often encouraged the addiction of the person. Often, they do it without ever really understanding what they were doing.

Don’t save the junkie. Let the effects of their sickness be endured by them. Many times, unless they are pushed, people are reluctant to adjust.

Don’t help the addict or their addiction financially. Many family members and friends buy food. They also offer financial support to cover legal fines or lawyers.

They also pay rent to bail others out. This only prolongs the illness. You see, the addict will feel that they can persist with substance abuse and escape repercussions. This will be counterproductive to the process of helping an addicted friend.


Be Realistic About Your Expectations

Don’t preach to the abuser or lecture them. Usually, they are unable to understand what you are doing. The best bet is to keep them accountable for their actions and provide assistance to guide them.

Don’t ask addicts to keep promises, as they may not be able to do so. Don’t respond with rage or sympathy. This will only slow the process of helping your loved ones with addiction treatment.

Also, take care not to set definite timelines for recovery. The pressure is never a plus to the addiction treatment process. Instead, set realistic milestones they have to hit on their path to full sobriety.

Guide Them Through The Withdrawal Process

This is a very important part in order to help loved ones with addiction treatment. They can’t overcome this challenge all on their own. You need to be with them every step of the way to continually encourage them.

Whenever they begin their treatment, withdrawal can be exceptionally tough. You need to support them to prevent a relapse. Ensure they use their treatment pills responsibly. However, they mustn’t exchange one addiction for another.

Other ways to support them are:

  • Removal of all addictive drugs from the household
  • Avoiding social events where there would be drug abuse
  • Seeking new and sober engagements to do together
  • Concentrating on new facets of life
  • Establishing relationships with sober friends


There are several ways to help your loved ones with addiction treatment. You need to observe the factors that are leading them to abuse drugs. This will make it easier for you to help them combat their addiction.

Fortunately, we at Addiction Rehab, offer full consultation services for both you and your addicted loved ones. We employ state-of-the-art behavioural techniques to ensure your loved ones recover. We also boast one of the most comprehensive addiction treatment services in Ontario.

Never again will you have to endure your loved ones’ addiction problems alone. Come by our treatment centers and get the best service for your money.

Related article: Heroin Addiction Treatment: Dealing with Withdrawal Symptoms