Our Programs

Horticultural Therapy Program in Toronto, ON
Horticultural Therapy uses plants and gardening to enhance the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well-being of individuals. It is based on Indigenous approaches to therapeutic needs which believes that Mother Earth and the natural world is sacred and she will provide us with the tools to promote balance within our lives.
Horticultural Therapy research has shown that gardening and planting can: reduce anxiety and depression; improve attention; reduce stress; lower BMI; lower risk of mood disturbance and increase the quality of life physically and cognitively.
Horticultural Therapy is known for bringing a sense of mindfulness, inner peace and positive emotions, with an appreciation for life and nature.

Horicultural Therapy at Addiction Rehab Toronto
At Addiction Rehab Toronto, our values align with promoting a holistic and compassionate approach to Addiction Treatment. Horticultural Therapy allows individuals to cope and manage through struggles by Mental Health and Addictions with their hands, minds, and hearts. We also pride ourselves in teaching life skills, gardening and planting can provide individuals with a sense of responsibility – it’s about being present and being with nature to make sure she grows.
Horticultural therapy can help us focus on being connected with other things, it is a gentle reminder that we are not the centre of the universe – depression can make us feel so alone, but the world is filled with beautiful creatures and beauty. Also, our outdoor environment brings squirrels, birds, bugs, and butterflies. If we take care of our environment, we also take care of the creatures living in it.
Gardening and planting can help us focus on our thoughts and keep busy while the world around us may feel like too much. It can bring a sense of mindfulness that can reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
Horticultural Therapy – You are Not Alone
Addiction Rehab Toronto utilizes an array of mindfulness programs, tools and practice to better equip individual suffering from Addiction. For information on our Horticultural Therapy Program, Please give us a call at 1-855-787-2424, or email us at in**@ad*******************.ca. We’ll be happy to help you.
Fun Fact: Research tells us that SOIL has antidepressant properties and gardening can actually produce serotonin.