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what is codependency

Codependency: What is Codependency and How to Stop it?

When we all get into relationships, we can get really dependent on our partner. The euphoric stage of love makes us rely on our partner for everything. We want to talk on the phone all the time, go out on dates every other day and spend as much time together. This is not necessarily a bad thing. But once we come down from that emotional high and then realize that we have been leaving in concession all the while, then there is a problem.



marijuana smoking plant

How to Stop Smoking Marijuana

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant used for medical or recreational purposes. In our modern times, Cannabis or widely known as marijuana has been highly proposed to be used for medicinal purposes. 



save from alcohol addiction

How to Save Yourself from Alcohol Addiction

Addiction is a disease of several brain regions that regulate moods, determine decision-making priorities needed for survival and control behaviours. For instance, when these parts are functioning normally, they tell us to seek food when we are hungry or water when we are thirsty. However, alcohol can modify brain function in such a way that a person senses an irresistible desire to seek out and consume these substances. People experiencing alcohol addiction are usually called addicts while health-care professionals refer to alcohol addiction or alcoholism as substance use disorders.



withdrawal symptoms of substance abuse

Withdrawal Symptoms: How to Deal with Substance Abuse

Withdrawal from drugs and other addictions can sometimes be overwhelming, and you feel lost in the heat of it all. First things first, don’t be. You are not alone. The withdrawal process is not as simple as it seems, as there are so many other factors that culminate into the entirety of the concept. There is every possibility that you are unsure of what withdrawal means, or how you can get help in the process. 



quit smoking

How to Quit Smoking?

Many smokers want to quit. However, the big challenge is how to quit smoking effectively. This may not be the

