Our Detox

Compassionate Nursing Care: Supporting Client Recovery at Addiction Rehab Toronto, ON
Our nursing team is committed to ensuring a safe, comfortable & successful recovery for each of our clients. The process begins by having vitals taken, along with head to toe assessments. Our nurses gather preliminary information regarding client’s physical, social, mental, and substance abuse history. An appointment with our physician is then booked, and clients are seen within the first 24 hours of their stay. If necessary, prescription medications are quickly processed and administered. After the initial admission process, dietary needs and restrictions are discussed, and the nurse communicates client’s specific needs with the kitchen staff.
Once clients are settled, the nurses continually check on clients, ensuring any withdrawal process is as comfortable as possible and client safety is maintained. This is done by following specific withdrawal protocols ordered by our physician. After a few days, when clients are settled, nurses assist them to complete blood work, and other medical appointments that may be outstanding.
We are very proud of the nurses at ART. The medical team has a great desire to work for underserved populations, such as those suffering from addiction. With medical backgrounds in hospitals, the community, and residential care, our nursing team is exceptionally competent in caring for our clients. We all work together to provide comfort and education to our clients, and the nurses do a great job caring for the physical needs so clients can later focus on the psychosocial aspects of drug and alcohol abuse. The sensitive, individual care provided to our clients fosters the strength needed to reach abstinence, forgiveness needed to mend relationships, and the courage to say goodbye to their addiction.

– Nursing Staff at Addiction Rehab Toronto