Our Programs

Pilates Benefits and Treatment
At Addiction Rehab Toronto we offer several forms of exercise such as Pilates. Pilates has many benefits to overall health as well as being an effective coping strategy for those who struggle with anxiety, depression and/or mental health issues i.e. ADHD. Pilates consists of moving through a slow, sustained series of exercises using abdominal control, proper breathing and caters to everyone, from beginner to advanced. Pilates helps clients decrease stress and allows an opportunity for them to direct their attention to the present moment which is consistent with our Mindful and strength based approach A typical Pilates workout includes a number of exercises and stretches.

There are two basic forms of Pilates.
Mat based Pilates – which consists of a series of exercises performed on the floor using gravity and your own body weight to provide resistance. The aim is to condition the deeper, supporting muscles of your body to improve posture, balance and coordination.
Equipment based Pilates –includes weights (such as dumbbells) which create resistance to the muscles. Other benefits include improved posture, rehabilitation or prevention of injuries related to muscle imbalances, increased lung capacity, improved concentration, improved body awareness and stress management.
Addiction Rehab Toronto is passionate about using holistic measures in healing instead of or in combination to medical approaches. Our goal is to provide various coping strategies for our clients to utilize when they encounter difficulty in their lives rather than substance use.