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Psychotherapy in Toronto


Psychotherapy Treatment for Addiction Recovery in Toronto, ON

Psychotherapy is a tool at Addiction Rehab Toronto to help individuals work through underlying behaviours, thoughts, and feelings that intersect with addictions and addictive behaviours. With the support of a psychotherapist, individuals can investigate their underlying issues that could have caused or amplified their Addiction, such as, anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, co-dependency, low self-esteem, stress and many more.

Therapists in Toronto

At Addiction Rehab Toronto, we have specialized and highly trained psychotherapists onsite for each individual to work with. Our Psychotherapists are trained in Addictions, Mental Health, and Concurrent Disorders. Each individual will have a session with a psychotherapist once a week.

The process of psychotherapist and client rapport is simple – trust and honesty. The psychotherapist and the individual work in a trusting alliance to explore different behavioural, thoughts and feelings patterns that have been impacted by Addictions, grief, loss, codependency, self-esteem or much more. Our psychotherapists utilize an array of approaches to help individuals develop healthy coping strategies to address concerns found at the core of their addiction. These patterns could include problematic relationship themes, negative core beliefs, thought distortions, and denial.

Throughout an individuals time in treatment, they will, with the support of their psychotherapist identify the relationship and influence of automatic thoughts and underlying assumptions on problematic feelings and behaviours. For example, when an individual identifies these aspects they can come to a better understanding of their potential emotional, emotional and behavioural relapses triggers or cravings in the past, present, and future.

Upon completion of treatment, individuals will learn and understand thought, behavioural and feelings actions. In addition, individuals will learn to reframe inaccurate beliefs and thoughts and provide a constructive coping mechanism to feel reprieved. Each individual will have the chance to work with our psychotherapists on a one-on-one basis. Our psychotherapists will work with individuals utilizing an integrative therapy that focuses on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been found to be helpful for various disorders regarding addiction and addictive behaviours. It remains a standard manualized therapy for addressing addiction in an individualized setting.

A main objective of CBT is identifying unhealthy automatic thoughts, feelings and behaviours that could ultimately incline an individual to use alcohol, substances or addictive behaviours. In continuation, to replace these thoughts with healthier ones and to cultivate healthier behavioural habits that disrupt problematic thoughts. For example, finding evidence to promote truth to positive affirmations – and why do we have automatic negative thoughts in the first place?

The theoretical basis is there are interrelated relationships between what we think, what we do, and how we feel. The focus of this approach is to identify automatic thoughts, a term that defines how individuals experience distorted thinking, that might lead to problem behaviour (Eg. “I need to get high to be ok”). If individuals can report their distorted thoughts, a psychotherapist can help teach how to reframe or substiute it. CBT can help support an individual to access healthier long-term behaviours and actions. For example, some individuals will turn to gamble to cope with stressful situations such as financial and family problems.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)  is principle-based, which means, it is flexible because of its modular construction and its strategies and procedures for treatment are individualized. Dialectical means that two things can be true at the same time. For example, you are right and the other person can be right. It is used, with cognitive behavioural therapy, as a therapeutic exercise and coping strategy when the potential of a high-risk or difficult situation arises. It allows individuals to self-reflect on their thoughts, feelings, and situations. It’s about understanding the chain of events that have to lead an individual to their present situation and/or feeling. This means looking at self-validation, interpersonal effectiveness, and mindfulness by identifying key actions, consequences, body sensations, events and feelings. (1) Skill Development: Individuals working on behavioural skills, assigning homework, and practicing these skills on a daily basis, (2) Individual therapy: Increasing an individual’s motivation to apply skills.

DBT helps with:

  • Validation of the self and of others.
  • Letting go of the “all or nothing” state of mind.
  • Avoiding assumptions.
  • Letting go of the ego.
  • Finding what is “missing” from a situation.
  • Seeing more than what you are seeing.
  • Understanding and coping with conflicts and difficult situations.
  • Communication skills: flexibility, active listening, and approachability.

Psychotherapy – Trust, Listening, and Support

At Addiction Rehab Toronto, we take a biopsychsocial perspective to Addictions and Addictive behaviours. Through our client-centred, holistic approach to treatment, we work with individuals to develop a plan that incorporates psychotherapy as a tool to work through the emotional, behavioural, mental, and spiritual aspects of the self. We believe that psychotherapy plays a compassionate role in trust, validation, and support. We understand that Addictions is only a small part an individuals life, it is the other stuff that life brings that can affect us. Let our psychotherapy team support to work through these parts, and promote a healthier and sober you in Addiction Recovery.

For information on our Mental Health and Concurrent Disorders treatment, please give us a call at 1-855-787-2424, or email us at in**@ad*******************.ca. We’ll be happy to help you.

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