Our Admission

What to Bring and What to Leave Behind
Here at Addiction Rehab Toronto, we follow a strict guideline regarding what clients can and cannot bring into the facility. Upon arrival at Addiction Rehab Toronto, staff will immediately search through clients’ belongings during the intake process, to ensure there are no prohibited items within. If there are any items that Addiction
Rehab Toronto does not approve of (excluding illegal substances- which would be disposed of), staff will gladly store it until your discharge date.

Documentation to Bring:
1. Photo Identification (Driver’s License, Passport, anything government issued)
2. Health Card, Private Insurance, Insurance Card with name included/ attached
3. Social Services Documentation, such as Ontario Works & Ontario Disability Support Program (Bring
the most recent benefit slips ex. Dental/Drug)
4. Medical, Dental, Vision & Prescription Benefit Cards
5. Prescribed Medications – in original containers provided by Pharmacist. Any liquid prescriptions must
be sealed
(All medications will be turned over to medical staff for close monitoring)
6. Over the counter medications and sealed supplements
7. A list of all medications with dosages and frequencies preferably printed directly from your
8. List of names, and contact information of all loved ones, and health care professionals (Physicians
and Psychiatrists) that you wish to have involved in your treatment
9. Cash, Debit, or Credit Card to charge for prescription payments etc.
Personal Items & Hygiene:
While Addiction Rehab Toronto does not have a dress code in place, we still ask that all clients dress
appropriately on a daily basis. This includes revealing clothing, and labels and/ or messages that are printed
on clothing that may be offensive to others or compromise others sobriety. During a client’s stay at the facility
(ranging anywhere between 30-90 days), we ask that only 4 weeks of clothing is packed. Washer and Dryer
is on the property for client’s convenience.
The following is a list of items that should be packed:
1. Please bring only one suitcase of clothing, one carry-on size bag, and one toiletries bag
2. Remember to bring clothing that is weather appropriate (winter, summer, layering, etc.) Bring a raincoat
and/ or umbrella, hats/ baseball caps etc. for inclement weather
3. Bring clothing for recreational use during yoga, exercising/ gym, and outdoor activities (Running Shoes,
sweats, shorts, modest bathing suit)
4. Water bottle
5. Sunscreen and big repellant
6. Favourite blankets and or pillows (however these things are provided by Addiction Rehab Toronto)
7. Toiletries that a client chooses to bring into the facility must be completely alcohol free and we do not
allow any aerosol canned products. Acceptable items can include:
a. Deodorant,
b. Toothbrush and Toothpaste
c. Shampoo and Conditioner, Comb/ Brush
d. Feminine Hygiene Products
8. Favourite travel mug
9. A Wrist watch to ensure commitment to scheduled activities, although Addiction Rehab Toronto will
provide an alarm clock within a clients’ bedroom
10. Clients may bring family photos, pens, pencils, journals, religious reading material, and recovery
Please Note: You may bring cigarettes- smoking is permitted in designated areas only, outdoors. E-cigarettes are also permissible however vape juices and pods have to be sealed in their original packaging prior to entry into the facility. It is advised to bring enough for one week during the detoxification/ stabilization period.
What Not to Bring:
Addiction Rehab Toronto prohibits certain items and have strict rules in place for the client’s safety- creating the
best environment for recovery. Please see the list below for all items that are banned from Addiction Rehab
Toronto Facility.
Any items that were brought but are prohibited, Addiction Rehab Toronto will hold in locked storage until the client
discharges. Addiction Rehab Toronto does not allow any WIFI connectable devices within the facility.
This includes/ not limited to:
• Cameras
• DVD’s, Movies, Gaming Systems
• Guns, Knives, Scissors, Razors, Sharp Objects of any kind)
Pornography or any sexual paraphernalia
Toiletries that contain alcohol and Aerosol cans
• Items containing Alcohol, such as Nail Polish Remover, Mouthwash, Perfume, Etc.
• Items within an aerosol can, such as hairspray
Large sums of Cash or High Valued Jewelry etc.
Gambling Paraphernalia
• Playing cards, dice, OLG games etc.
Tobacco Products
• Cigars, cigarillos, pipes are not permitted, however; smoking cigarettes is permissible in designated areas outdoors. E-cigarettes are also permissible however vape juices and pods have to be sealed in their original packaging prior to entry into the facility.
If you have any questions about what to pack or what not to pack for you or your loved one’s stay at Addiction Rehab Toronto, call us today at 1-855-787-2424.