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Reiki Therapy in Toronto

Reiki is a combination of (re) universal and (iki) life energy.

Reiki originates from Japanese Buddhist Usui Miako. It is a healing and holistic technique provided to individuals to combat stress, anxiety, and depression. With aspects of yoga, it offers a mental health practice based on breathing techniques and allowing the body to feel at peace. It is a healing practice within the body through chakras, meridians and nadis.

The core aspects of the practice are based on an individual’s “life-force energy” and a safe method of spiritual and natural healing. One’s life force energy involves vitality, or the ability to live and exist.

Reiki Healing

Reiki is offered as a weekly programming treatment at Addiction Rehab Toronto. Our instructors will help activate healing within the self and channelling energy away from stressor points of the body. They help individuals become relieved of stress and find inner peace.

The process of Reiki involves a trauma-informed approach to engaging with individuals. The facilitator places their hands, with consent, on specific areas of the body that need healing and support. For example, the facilitator will lightly place hands on the head, limbs, torso, hands and other areas of the body.

The instructor will help identify imbalances of the body with the Chakras. The Chakras help individuals feel more grounded. The Chakras area identifies different places within the body that hold different aspects of being a human:

Crown Chakra – Spirituality

Third eye Chakra – Awareness

Throat Chakra – Communication

Heart Chakra – Love, Healing

Solar Plexus Chakra – Wisdom, Power

Sacral Chakra – Sexuality, Creativity 

Root Chakra – Basic Trust

Reiki is the practice of balancing these areas of the body to create equilibrium.

Benefits of Reiki Therapy

Reiki Therapy is beneficial in Addiction Recovery because it offers an alternative method of healing the mind, body and soul. Reiki is used as a tool of relaxation which benefits the emotional and mental aspects of an individual’s well-being.

Benefits include:

  • Release tensions in the body
  • Relieve stress from the mind
  • Relaxation
  • Relieve discomfort
  • Bring back a sense of control
  • Connection with other people and yourself
  • Better sleep
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Detoxification
  • Removes energy blockages
  • Vitality
  • Postpones aging

In addition, Reiki therapy benefits the medical aspects of an individual such as Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain, heart disease, and fatigue symptoms.

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