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Issabella Di Poce

BA (Hons), ADMH, Clinical Coordinator, Addictions and Mental Health Counsellor

As a graduate from Wilfrid Laurier University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Humber College in the Addictions and Mental Health graduate program, Issabella has done extensive work focusing on behaviours that required the analysis of personality theories, as well as brain functions affected. This has been important in the work Issabella does to explain the influences addiction has and how substance use and abuse affects the brain and subsequently behaviors. Issabella works through a trauma-informed lens, and utilizes Attachment Theory and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to identify underlying issues and provide tools to the client to adapt as new coping mechanisms. Issabella uses the biopsychosocial model in treatment planning to ensure all aspects of life are accounted for, allowing for the greatest success. Issabella takes a client centered approach and utilizes compassion and empathy to build rapport. In addition to her education and experience in the field, Issabella is equipped with ASIST – Applied Suicide Intervention Skills training.

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