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Yoga and meditation therapy to calm the mind
Many people associate yoga with physical flexibility and postures, but its origins are rooted in spirituality. It is a holistic practice that benefits physical, mental and spiritual health. Together with meditation, yoga can be used as an effective way for individuals to calm their minds, reduce stress and discover new ways to cope with the difficulties of life.

Restoring balance through yoga and meditation
The basic idea behind yoga is that humans live in a state of physical, mental and spiritual balance. This balance is sometimes disturbed by illness or stress that affects our bodies and minds. Yoga is used to restore that equilibrium.
Yoga benefits people to varying degrees. Those who attend ordinary yoga classes once a week report improvements to general health. They sleep better, get sick less frequently and recover more quickly. People who practise yoga several times a week claim to see even greater benefits. The physical health improvements are more noticeable, stress is greatly reduced, and individuals have a greater ability to deal with mental illnesses like depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Paired with meditation, these benefits are even greater. Meditation is the practice of sitting still in a quiet place, and concentrating on breathing. It reduces physical and mental stress, promotes better sleeping patterns and helps the individual develop better clarity of thought and purpose.
Yoga and meditation therapy has lifelong benefits
Many addictions arise from the individual’s inability to deal with stress or trauma. At Addiction Rehab Toronto, we strive to help our clients develop coping skills which will enable them to lead abstinence-based lives once they graduate from the inpatient treatment program. Yoga and meditation therapy can be instrumental in giving clients the tools they need to adjust to their new lives and prevent relapse.
How do yoga and meditation therapy sessions work?
All aspects of our clients’ treatment programs are customized. No two people are the same. Everyone has different needs and circumstances, and their paths to recovery have to reflect this. The yoga and meditation therapy sessions are conducted according to the needs of the participants, and they are geared to helping individuals make permanent changes to their lifestyles.
For more information about the yoga and meditation therapy that forms part of Addiction Rehab Toronto addiction treatment programs, call us at 1-855-787-2424 or email info@addictionrehabtoronto.ca.