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Media Mentions

city news toronto

City News Media Mention

Addiction Rehab Toronto is proud to be featured in a City News segment discussing the new class action lawsuit targeting over 40 opioid manufacturers and companies. This suit is alleging that companies were negligent in how they researched, developed, and marketed opioids starting in the 1990s.



abnewswire press release

Addiction Rehab Toronto ABNEWSWIRE Press Release

Addiction Rehab Toronto incorporates multiple avenues of support into their programs. They provide one-on-one counselling sessions for clients to explore issues that may relate to their addiction.
Those struggling with addiction of some sort struggle to use willpower to refrain from drugs or alcohol. The addiction changes the individual’s brain – creating compulsions that are difficult to resist. Most family members and friends of addicts struggle to understand why the individual can’t simply stop using the drugs or alcohol, but addiction is a complex disease of the brain and body, and quitting takes more than strong will or good intentions.



best of business

Three Best Rated

Addiction Rehab Toronto is rated in the top 3 Addiction Treatment Centres in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.



etalk appearance

Etalk Appearance

Watch Clinical Director Alexandra Perry discuss the role of Narcan, a pharmaceutical drug used for treating opioid use. Ending with the importance of reaching out and getting help. Etalk is a Entertainment and Celeb News station.

