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Addiction Rehab Toronto ABNEWSWIRE Press Release

Addiction Rehab Toronto incorporates multiple avenues of support into their programs. They provide one-on-one counselling sessions for clients to explore issues that may relate to their addiction.
Those struggling with addiction of some sort struggle to use willpower to refrain from drugs or alcohol. The addiction changes the individual’s brain – creating compulsions that are difficult to resist. Most family members and friends of addicts struggle to understand why the individual can’t simply stop using the drugs or alcohol, but addiction is a complex disease of the brain and body, and quitting takes more than strong will or good intentions.

Addiction Rehab Toronto knows that addictions have underlying reasons behind them. They don’t simply occur out of nowhere. Typically, the individual is suffering some sort of personal challenge or issue that results in them turning towards drugs or alcohol to escape. Support is an important aspect when it comes to starting on the path towards recovery.

In fact, support is vital – from family members and friends to professionals that understand mental health – the right support system makes a world of difference for individuals looking to recover. Addiction Rehab Toronto incorporates multiple avenues of support into their programs. They provide one-on-one counselling sessions for clients to explore issues that may relate to their addiction.

This minimizes the risk of relapse while ensuring they’re able to uncover underlying reasons behind the addiction in a safe, non-judgmental place. In addition to one-on-one counselling sessions, clients are able to participate in group therapy to ensure they’re not isolated or lonely. This helps them build important social skills that will help them stay sober after inpatient treatment is completed.

Family counselling and therapy is also leveraged because addiction impacts everyone around the individual suffering. The family counselling and therapy portion of inpatient treatment involves resolving any conflicts, exploring ways to help the individual suffering, and providing vital addiction and recovery education for loved ones. This ensures the individual leaves inpatient treatment with a support system they can count on.

Addiction Rehab Toronto Provides Addiction Counselling Therapy for Those Looking to Start the Path towards Recovery in Toronto and Surrounding Areas

Addiction Rehab Toronto also provides art therapy to help clients express themselves through a variety of methods, including sculpting, collages, painting, and drawing. A Spokesperson at Addiction Rehab Toronto explained, “We know every individual has unique needs in terms of treatment. We offer art therapy, but we also offer music therapy, yoga and meditation therapy, and other options to ensure we’re meeting every client’s requirements.”