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How We Are Helping to Treat Addiction During the COVID-19 Pandemic

More than ever, this is a vital time to treat addiction during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Almost every country in the world is either experiencing the coronavirus pandemic or being plagued by its repercussions. Canada is no different. To be able to curtail the spread of the virus, certain measures such as social distancing and a maximum number of people in a gathering have been put in place.

These necessary measures have disrupted the day-to-day activities of numerous organizations and establishments. Despite all these, it is important to let you know Addiction Rehab Toronto remains open and committed to giving quality addiction rehabilitation services.

There’s never been a better time for you or your loved one battling an addiction to seek help. Discussions with medical professionals show that crisis periods like this one often come with a surge in stress and anxiety. For people who are suffering from addiction, these feelings are going to be severe.

A prime example of such crises is the ongoing pandemic caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus. Therefore, the need for you to start your addiction treatment cannot be overemphasized. This is the major reason Addiction Rehab Toronto remains open to help you.

Due to city-wide closures, you now have the ideal opportunity to get you or your loved one help, without the stress of work, school, etc. Understandably, you may be worried that coming into our rehab center may put you at risk of contracting the virus. We assure you that adequate measures are being taken to ensure your safety, the safety of other clients and our workers.

treat addiction during the COVID-19 Pandemic
At Addiction Rehab Toronto, your addiction treatment and the prevention against further spread of the Covid-19 virus is of paramount importance. As a result, Addiction Rehab Toronto and its medical staff have taken extreme measures to keep the safety of our clients at the highest level and we will tell you how.


Related article: What’s Stopping People from Seeking Addiction Treatment?

Preventive Methods to Keep Our Clients and Staff Safe

To ensure the safety of our clients and also to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus in Toronto, there are certain measures that we have put in place. We shall be discussing those measures with you so that you can know what to expect when you want to come into our addiction treatment facilities.

Keep reading to find out proactive actions that we are taking to protect our current and future patients here at the clinic. These preventive steps are also geared to protect our staff.

Pre-admission Measures

These measures are important to make sure that your addiction treatment is conducted in a completely safe environment. It involves a preliminary screening that we conduct for each client before they come down to the clinic. The client is asked a couple of vital questions over the phone to ascertain if they have been in possible Coronavirus hot zones.

This will help us to sufficiently judge, to an extent, if the client is infected or not. To do this effectively, we are going to be asking each client some strategic questions before intake. Here are some of the likely questions we will ask.

  • Have you travelled anywhere within the past 3 to 6 months?
  • Do you have any symptoms: fever, muscle aches, coughing, sneezing, etc.?
  • Have you lately been in close contact with anyone who has shown any signs of the symptoms mentioned above?
  • Have you had close contact with a confirmed or probable Covid-19 case?
  • Have you had close contact with a person in acute respiratory illness who has been outside Canada in the last 14 days?
  • Do you consent to a Covid-19 screening exercise before entry into our clinic?

pre admission matter

On-Site Admission Protocol

In addition to the preliminary questions that we will ask each potential client before they come into the clinic, we will also be conducting an on-site screening. This will be done in conjunction with guidelines put forward by Health Canada.

On-site screening is critical to ensure your safety and well-being, as well as that of our staff. The on-site testing will be done before admission can be granted to our clinic. The pre-admission testing and screening will involve the following:

  • Confirmation that the client is not feverish
  • Confirmation that the client does not have a cough or difficulty breathing
  •  A temperature check. Note that any temperature above 38 degrees Celsius is a red flag.

If the client does not have a satisfactory result after the following tests, then we will have to deny access to our facilities. This is to be able to effectively protect our existing and future patients as well as to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

In addition to that, we will also contact public health or Telehealth Ontario for further instructions on how to get such an individual helpful treatment.

Facility Hygiene

We are embarking on a strict cleaning and disinfecting process of our facility every day. Also, as part of our commitment to providing first-class addiction treatment during this COVID-19 pandemic, we are also boosting our commitment to following hygienic protocols.

We have set rules in place that encourage both patients and staff to practice good hand hygiene. Also, social distancing is a part of our addiction treatment process for now. Staff and patients are encouraged to avoid all forms of physical contact. If there is a need to touch someone else, protective clothing will be worn at all times. We will also closely monitor the health of patients and staff alike.

Related article: Comparison: Private Addiction Treatment Versus Government Funded Centres

How Addicts Can Stay Safe Through the Covid-19 Pandemic

When it all comes down to it, addicts are like every other person. As such, it is vital that the prescribed preventive measures are followed. We will, of course, go over these safety precautionary measures before going into the specifics for people suffering from addiction.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. You may also use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer as this can also kill the virus. However, ensure that such sanitizer has at least 60% alcohol.
  • Cover your mouth with the inside of your elbows when you cough and sneeze. If you use a tissue, dispose of it in a lined trash can. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water afterwards.
  • Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth at all times. Except you are certain your hand is clean and virus-free
  • Avoid crowded places. If you have to go out in public, maintain a minimum distance of at least one meter from every other person
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. If you have to help a sick person, wear gloves and a safety mask to reduce the risk of bodily fluids that may hold the coronavirus from getting into you. Also, wash your hands before you put on gloves and after you take them off.

And now for more addict-specific measures:

  • As much as possible, keep your personal space clean. Wipe down surfaces where you prepare substances with antimicrobial wipes or at least 70% alcohol before you use them.
  • Wipe down drug packages that you receive and wash your hands with soap and water as soon as you do so.
  • Restock on all supplies that you may need including drugs, syringes, and medication. Contact your local SSP if you have to. Stocking up will ensure that you have all you need for a while and will limit your contact with the outside world and possibly Covid-19.
  • Prepare for a drug shortage. This is essential as you may lose access to your drug of choice in an outbreak.
  • Finally, you can contact the Addiction Rehab Toronto and make plans to come in for addiction treatment.

Related article: Top Effective Drug Addiction Treatments You Need to Know

Final Take

Addiction Rehab Toronto is open to provide addiction recovery services to residents in Ontario, even during the pandemic. Contact us today to discuss your addiction treatment options!

Related article: How to Tell if Your Loved One has a Drug Addiction