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meth addiction and Its effects on the Body

Meth Addiction and Its Effects on the Body

One of the major effects of meth addiction is that it affects the central nervous system. Meth is a typical ingredient used in medications for multiple conditions. For instance, meth is a component of meds for narcolepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and obesity.

In the same vein, meth is a Schedule II substance drug, which means that it has a high potential for abuse. As a result, meth addiction is a pretty widespread situation in Canada. With this article, we will shine a light on meth addiction and its dangerous effects on your body. Here’s what you need to know!

What is Meth Addiction?

In the 1950s and 1960s, methamphetamine was a famous legal prescription drug for the treatment of the disorders mentioned above. The substance was also given to soldiers in World War II to keep them awake and highly alert during the fighting.

However, people began using it for recreational purposes due to its stimulant effects. Then, many people become addicted to methamphetamine, which led to the government classifying the drug as one of the harmful and dangerous substances along with cocaine.

meth addiction history

How Does Meth Look?

Methamphetamine is made and distributed from illegal laboratories run by drug syndicates. In these labs, people cook the product that has ephedrine or pseudoephedrine.

It is a potent central nervous system stimulant and is its key ingredient. The byproducts of the drug-making process are toxic and combustible, which makes meth labs extremely dangerous.

Meth comes in powder, crystal, and liquid forms. The drug is commonly white, but you can also find pink, blue, yellow varieties. Typically, users smoke methamphetamine using a glass pipe, but they may also inject, snort, or swallow it. One can even fill the drug into a capsule or a pill.

Dealers of meth also “cut” the drug with other substances like talcum powder, salt, or white sugar to sell less of the actual product and make more profit out of it. In other cases, meth is also in prescription drugs, such as laxatives and antidepressants.

Related article: How to Help Your Loved One with Meth Addiction

How Meth Affects the Person Using It?

Methamphetamine is a potent drug that is very addictive. Compared with other illegal drugs like cocaine, meth is proven to trigger dependency faster. So, after one has tried it, it’s so difficult to quit.

Meth affects the brain by forcing it to release an excessive amount of dopamine and norepinephrine, also called adrenaline. A single intake of the drug causes a rush, followed by a sensation of what most people called a “high.” The intermingling of these chemicals impact the brain’s limbic system, which plays a role in brain functions, such as memory and emotion.

If a person uses the drug consistently, it will start to rewire parts of the brain that are responsible for the decision-making process. In the first use of the drug, the brain’s prefrontal cortex is behind the conscious decision that leads a person to use meth for the reward of high sensation.

However, with the consistent use of the drug, the decision moves from the prefrontal cortex to the hindbrain. It is the one that is responsible for non-voluntary actions. It includes activities such as breathing and blinking. It is why meth is so hard to quit because the brain falsely considers the drug as necessary for survival.

The powerful euphoric sensation that methamphetamine brings often causes people to use the drug consistently. Not all people may become addicted to the drug after the first use. However, just the effect of a small dose of meth can be an irresistible temptation for most people to go back to using it over and over again.

The wiring in the brain will have a significant change, and using the drug will soon feel like it’s a necessity. It’s also likely by this time that an addict will take more doses of methamphetamine to explore more of its euphoric effect or to maintain the initial high.

Then, there will come a time when the potency of the drug decreases. The user will experience the euphoria less and less until “tweaking” begins. Tweaking is the time when a user doesn’t feel the rush of using meth anymore.

This phase often results in feelings of restlessness and emptiness on a person. Some users will also experience extreme itchiness, hallucinations, and loss of identity. At worst, a person who goes through the tweaking stage will harm himself/herself or other people.

Dangers of Methamphetamine Addiction

Using meth for a long time can result in the deterioration of brain functions, particularly to the brain cells that produce dopamine and nerve cells containing serotonin. That’s why the drug enforcement agencies across the world double their effort in curbing the global production and distribution of such illegal drugs.

dangers of methamphetamine addiction
People who have long-term exposure to methamphetamine can have severe cognitive and emotional problems, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Mood disturbances
  • Paranoia
  • Insomnia
  • Aggressive behaviours
  • Memory issues
  • Difficulty in speech
  • Auditory and visual hallucinations

Meth users can also have physical symptoms from long-term use of the drug, including tooth decay, skin infections, and unhealthy weight loss. They can also get viruses or sexually transmitted diseases, such as hepatitis and HIV/AIDS, caused by unsanitized injections of the drug.

Smoking methamphetamine may also result in respiratory diseases and lung complications. Snorting the drug, on the other hand, can cause damage to the nasal passages and sinus cavities, which, in turn, lead to a runny nose and chronic nosebleeds.

According to research, long-term use of methamphetamine can also increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Moreover, problems in the brain function can go on for several years after quitting the drug, and some of them may not be reversible at all.

The meth addiction epidemic in Canada is real. According to the Canadian Centre on Substance Use, 3.9% of Canadians over the age of 25 report having used meth at least once in their lives. Furthermore, when compared to women, men are more likely to need meth addiction treatment. Among men in Canada, 5.4% admit to using meth at least once. For women, that number is 2.2%.

Related article: How to Set SMART Goals for Substance Abuse

How to Treat Meth Addiction

The longer a person uses meth, the more difficult it is to handle withdrawal symptoms. However, a medical detox regimen can help manage the withdrawal symptoms significantly. Although there are no specific drugs for treating meth addiction, you can find medications that manage its withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors, anxiety, and depression.

Cognitive-behavioural therapies are also essential in the recovery from meth addiction. Therapy sessions can help recovering addicts to understand the nature of meth addiction and avoid triggers that can lead to relapse.

Methamphetamine addiction is a severe problem that many people are facing today. That’s why you should avoid using this drug at all costs as the effects of meth addiction can be detrimental to your brain function. If you know someone who is addicted to meth, don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand for his/her recovery.

Why is Meth Addictive?

Meth or methamphetamine is a stimulant drug that rockets the user’s feeling of pleasure and depression when the effect dissipates. This drug is considered dangerous and classified as a schedule II drug that is potential to extreme health danger. It is likely the world’s most addictive substance.

What is Meth?

It is an illegal drug that is the same class as cocaine, heroin, and other street drugs. Crystal meth is short for crystal methamphetamine and its just one form of the drug methamphetamine. Crystal meth is commonly used in night clubs or at rave parties. They take it before partying as they get hype when using it.

It is a dangerous substance like a poison that first acts as a stimulant but then begins to systematically destroy the body if taken more than the amount necessary and get addicted to drugs. It can be a severe threat to health conditions, including memory loss, aggression, and potential heart and brain damage.

Addictive Properties of Meth

properties of meth
Meth is among the world’s most addictive substances. The user might think that they can do anything after the abusive use of this drug. When meth hits the bloodstream, it creates a sensation by sending impulses to the brain. Dopamine is the ultimate pleasure for the body “feel good” chemical.

For the first time user of meth, the brain registers the high from taking meth as a “hard-coded” memory. From that moment, the brain will try to recapture the same feelings that were present for the first time of use. The brain adapts almost immediately, which means you need to take more drugs to get the pleasure you want.

Method of Use

Meth is highly addictive; this much is true. Users take the drug by inhaling, smoking or injecting it into their body. Injecting or smoking meth can instantly make you high that lasts between 8-12 hours. When taking it every day, the effects of drugs can last from 6-12 hours, but they are not as intense as for the first time of use.

Short Term Effects of Meth Abuse

Methamphetamine is highly addictive and causes the production of chemicals dopamine and serotonin that make the brain “feel-good.” Dopamine makes you feel pleasure and motivation. By taking meth more often, it significantly increases the brain levels of dopamine, which creates a euphoric rush when users take drugs.

It also impacts the brain levels of serotonin. Its primary function is for regulating appetite, memory, and mood. When the meth effects wear off, it makes your dopamine and serotonin of the brain depleted, which can create feelings of anxiety and depression.

Short-term psychological effects of methamphetamine include

  • Euphoria – is the enticing feeling that people get when using methamphetamine.
  • Increase Alertness and Energy
  • Talkative
  • Increase hostility and aggression
  • Paranoia
  • Agitated anxious or panicky
  • Feeling powerful
  • Heightened sexual arousal
  • Unpredictable Behavior
  • Urges to do repetitive task

These short term effects can make the user want more of the drug as they can’t control the feeling of pleasure produced by the drugs. The more they take the drug, the more it lessens the intensity of it. They need to keep using more drugs to get their self-satisfaction.

Short-term physical effects of methamphetamine

  • Decrease appetite
  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • Decrease fatigue and increase attention
  • Sweating
  • Dilated pupils
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • High blood pressure
  • Increase activity and wakefulness
  • Increase respiration
  • Raise body temperature
  • Dry mouth
  • Tremors

With the user having this addiction to drugs, it can be fatal. It may result in stroke, convulsions, heart attack, high body temperature, and other health conditions that can lead to death.

Long-Term Effects of Meth Abuse

Chronic methamphetamine use can alter the structure and function of the brain. It can cause severe physical and psychological issues as the effect grows in intensity and complexity.

It can also damage the nerve cells containing serotonin that may be even greater than having damage in dopamine. Both dopamine and serotonin are essential for the overall functioning of our body.

Long-term psychological effects of methamphetamine

  • Memory loss
  • Suicidal and homicidal thoughts
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Confusion
  • Hallucination
  • Difficulties in sleeping
  • Aggressive and violent behaviour

Long-term physical effects of methamphetamine

  • Lung disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Skin sores
  • Weight loss
  • Heart problems
  • Liver and kidney damage
  • Meth mouth
  • Anorexia
  • Damage to nerve terminals in the brain

The long term effects of taking methamphetamine are dangerous to our health. It may even lead to an early death. Using methamphetamine can cause the user to look older than his or her actual age. It destroys the tissues and blood vessels that give the body the ability to heal.

Meth Withdrawal: What To Expect

Here are some symptoms of withdrawal from using methamphetamine:

  • Difficulties in sleeping
  • Increase appetite
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of energy
  • Itchy eyes

These symptoms are uncomfortable and it may lead to relapse in an attempt to fight the symptoms. In rehab, healthcare providers supervise recovering addicts in a detox program. It can ensure the management of symptoms and help you prevent the relapse that may occur. Symptoms may be in intensity and duration that typically last from 7 to 10 days.

Dose and Overdose

Meth that is prescribed legally ranges from 2.5 to 10mg daily or maximum to 60mg a day. It cannot exceed 60mg as it may take a negative effect on the body.

Illegal drugs are not regulated, and there is no way how much methamphetamine is in each illicit dose. Overdose of methamphetamine can cause high body temperature, heart attack, and seizures.

Methamphetamine can be used as medicine as long as a doctor prescribes it, and you do not abuse the use of it. It can be used to cure a disorder, but some people take advantage of this because of the pleasure given by this medicine.

What are the Effects of Meth on the Body?

It’s no surprise that methamphetamine abuse is not only a national but global issue today. Using meth can result in a severe addiction that’s difficult to quit. Aside from the dependence on the drug, meth abuse can also cause serious health problems that can sometimes lead to death.

A person who consumes methamphetamine can show outward signs of the effects of the drug. For instance, you can identify meth addiction by changes in the behaviour of the individual and physical symptoms like rotting teeth. If you think that someone may be struggling with meth addiction, make sure to look for these signs and symptoms below.

Behavioural Signs of Methamphetamine Use

The user’s brain and body are the main targets of methamphetamine. The drug alters the way a person feels and thinks. Thus, when someone has a meth addiction, you can identify some changes in different areas of his/her life.

For instance, a meth addict will take no interest in life anymore and can develop self-destructive behaviours. Career and relationships will be negatively affected by methamphetamine abuse. Here’s a list of behavioural signs indicating a person has a meth addiction.

  • Social isolation
  • A sudden shift in friendships
  • Loss of interest in usual activities
  • Change in financial behaviours, such as extravagant spending to buy meth
  • Stealing money
  • Neglecting relationships
  • Forgetting important events or dates
  • Aggressive behaviour
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Clumsiness
  • Unwarranted sexual act
  • Unusual loss of appetite
  • Distracted action in social situations
  • Hyperactivity
  • Strange twitching

You may also find these pieces of drug paraphernalia in the car, pockets, or room of a person who is addicted to meth.

  • Glass pipe or water pipe (the stuff used in smoking crystal methamphetamine)
  • Aluminum foil (used in smoking crystal meth)
  • Rolled up slips of paper, dollar bills, straws, empty pen cases (used in snorting meth)
  • Razor blades, shards of glass or mirror (used in snorting meth)
  • Syringes or needles (used in injecting meth)
  • Rubber tubing or shoelaces (used as a tourniquet for meth injection)

Anyone can be a victim of methamphetamine addiction. It’s a disease that requires immediate medical attention. So, if you see the signs mentioned above on someone you loved, make sure to talk him/her into seeking help as soon as possible.

Symptoms of Methamphetamine Use

Methamphetamine abuse can result in a variety of physical and psychological symptoms. Although some folks see these adverse effects like allergic reactions to meth, these symptoms are common consequences of meth abuse. The drug can affect a person’s body and the brain, and you can visibly see and identify the signs.

Below are the common physical symptoms of methamphetamine addiction:

  • Unusual and extreme weight loss
  • Irregular heartbeat or breathing
  • Dilated pupils
  • Nosebleed
  • Burns on the fingers or lips
  • Slow-healing sores
  • Abnormal perspiration
  • Rotting or broken teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Track marks on the arms
  • Premature skin ageing

Aside from physical symptoms, there are also psychological symptoms caused by using meth. Here’s the list:

  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Mood swings
  • Restlessness or constant fidgeting
  • Hallucinations
  • Depression
  • Delusions

Beyond the common effects just mentioned, some people who use meth can also experience severe and life-threatening problems, such as liver failure, cardiac arrest, and seizures. If such things happen, it’s necessary to call for medical help for the affected person.

Long-Term Effects on Health from Meth Abuse

effects on health from meth abuse

Consistent, long-term use of meth can be extremely damaging to the user’s health. Methamphetamine can alter the chemistry in the brain, which can lead to dependence on the drug and severe complications on the body. The long-term adverse effects of the drug can be in two categories: physical and psychological.

Here are the long-term physical effects of meth addiction:

  • Kidney failure
  • Liver failure
  • Increased risk of developing cancer
  • Reproductive health issues, such as infertility and miscarriage
  • Congenital disabilities
  • Infection
  • Rotten teeth
  • Malnutrition
  • Overdose
  • Death

The following is a list of the long-term psychological effects of using meth:

  • Dependence on the drug
  • Drug tolerance
  • Inability to feel pleasure
  • Hallucination
  • Aggression
  • Delusion
  • Paranoia

Methamphetamine dependence or addiction – the psychological need to use the drug – is a common effect of meth use. It starts with the person using meth, who develops a tolerance to the drug. Once the tolerance to meth is there, the user will begin to experience withdrawal symptoms when he/she stop using methamphetamine. From then on, addiction occurs.

As of the moment, there is no proven cure for drug addiction. However, there are treatments for the symptoms. Experts say that once a drug addict commits to getting sober, recovery is not impossible. The recovery process involves psychological counselling and medical attention. Support groups can also help in taking the recovering addict to the path to recovery.

Methamphetamine Overdose

Like other heavy drugs, an overdose is common in people who have meth addiction. Most meth addicts have developed a high tolerance to the drug. They take large doses to feel the same euphoric sensation that they felt during their first meth use.

When a person takes a hefty dose of methamphetamine, the poisoning of the body occurs. Overdose can lead to hospitalization and death. You can catch a meth overdose immediately when it happens. Here are some signs of a meth overdose.

  • Chest pain
  • Irregular heartbeat or breathing
  • Stroke
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Restlessness
  • Seizure
  • High body temperature
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver failure

You should call for immediate medical help if you think that a person is experiencing methamphetamine overdose. Immediate medical assistance can help the affected person recover, especially if you catch the signs of overdose early on. Medical professionals will provide breathing support and treatment for the symptoms.

If you notice that the person’s body is warm, you can put on a cold cloth to cool him/her down. Also, you should see to it that the person doesn’t inflict harm on himself/herself or others once the overdose symptoms kick in.

The side-effects from meth overdose can last for several years or can even be permanent if a person survives such an event. After a meth overdose, the user must undergo recovery treatment.

The adverse effects of using meth can be detrimental to the health and life of the user. That’s why if you’re addicted to meth or know someone who has meth addiction, seeking medical help is a must. Do it now when there’s still hope.

What are the Signs of Meth Addiction?

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant that primarily affects a person’s Central Nervous System. An individual misusing this drug may appear energetic, confused, euphoric, or aggressive.

A person developing an addiction to the drug may start to struggle at work, at school, or at home. Users tend to develop an individual tolerance to the drug and will do anything to get more.

Meth addiction can also lead to overdose, which causes chills, fever, irregular heartbeats, convulsions, or unconsciousness to a person.

Meth addiction is a severe problem, as this substance is both risky and dangerous. Aside from dependence on the drug, meth abuse can cause health problems varying from anorexia and insomnia to convulsions, heart attack, stroke, and eventually, death.

Knowing the indications that someone is misusing or is addicted to meth is a significant step to begin the intervention. It is possible to treat meth addiction, but the results are more dependable when the therapy starts early.

Knowing the risks of Methamphetamine use

When prescribed, methamphetamine needs a controlled dosage because it possesses such a powerful addictive potential but also because there are notable side effects.

Methamphetamine is an energizer, which indicates it boosts activity in the brain, specifically the Central Nervous System. The substance causes a rise in body temperature, blood pressure, cardiac rate, breathing, and vigilance.

There are notable troublesome side effects of taking methamphetamines, such as headaches, dry mouth, itchiness, and constipation. Besides, there are side effects that might be very critical, which include tremors, a rapid cardiac rate, heart attack, seizures, hallucinations, delusions, aggression, mania, stroke, and there’s death.

Addiction is also a grave risk of abusing methamphetamine. It is habit-forming and can lead to cravings, tolerance, withdrawal, and finally, a much severe addiction.

Signs of Methamphetamine Abuse

Since methamphetamine is seldom available as a prescription medication, nearly all manners of the use of this substance are illegal. Meth is always a banned substance, and people who abuse it tend to smoke, snort, or inject it.

Any manifestation of the substance or the equipment utilized to abuse it in these wrong ways could mean that someone is misusing meth, thus abusing it. Other signs of meth abuse also include the symptoms of meth intoxication:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Insomnia
  • Fast speech that doesn’t make sense
  • Increased energy, alertness, and wakefulness
  • Alterations in behaviour, irritability, and aggression
  • Increased body temperature
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pessimistic attitude when the effects of the drug wear off
  • Confusion, delusion, and hallucinations
  • Self-confidence, extreme satisfaction, and euphoria

Some individuals misuse meth to experience that “high” feeling, while others might abuse the substance to stay awake.

The use of brain stimulants is often common for people who need to remain awake all night or by students who desire assistance to stay awake to write papers or study. Some groups of people might use methamphetamine and other stimulants to stay up for parties.

Symptoms of Methamphetamine Abuse

Abuse doesn’t fundamentally mean addiction. With time and constant use, though, a lot of people who abuse methamphetamine will develop a particular dependency. There are known long-term signs and symptoms of meth addiction that we may observe, in addition to the manifestations of being high:

  • Using more methamphetamine than planned
  • Attempting and failing to end the use of the substance
  • Spending more time pondering about, obtaining, and using meth, and abandoning other critical daily activities as an outcome
  • Craving for the substance even when not using it
  • Failing to meet obligations because of excessive drug use
  • Continuously using methamphetamine even when it results in health and relationship problems
  • Continuing to use the substance in risky situations, like driving
  • Developing a tolerance to the substance, wanting to take more and more to achieve that high feeling
  • Feeling excruciating withdrawal symptoms mainly when not using

Also, there are some specific signs of long-term methamphetamine use that can denote an addiction. These manifestations include rotting teeth, also known as meth mouth, wounds from continuous scratching, extreme weight loss, confusion, and paranoia.

Managing Methamphetamine’s Effects

Several side effects of substance use and addiction are curable. Meth addiction therapy is the most critical step towards overcoming health concerns generated by the drug. The moment a person can learn to live life without the substance, many side effects will cease from occurring.

However, the organ damage due to overdose may be irreversible, and nearly all people in recovery from substance addiction are always vulnerable to relapse.

Health specialists may be capable of treating some side effects of methamphetamine, such as meth sores and hair thinning. A decent diet, proper dental care, and skin treatment can modify some impacts of substance use. Still, some wound scars will likely remain on the user’s skin.

There is no absolute remedy for addiction, but the disease itself is treatable. Addiction experts think that those people who are into meth addiction can be in a state of rehabilitation as soon as they commit to becoming clean.

The process of recovery needs significant time, focused medical care, along with psychological counselling. The method also requires a tremendous amount of support and responsibility, so a person doesn’t go back to their drug practices after becoming clean.

dealing of methamphetamine

How Is Meth Addiction Treated?

Methamphetamine, or commonly known as Crystal Meth, is a highly addictive drug used for recreation. Usually, in a form that looks like a glass shard or crystal with a bluish-white hue, meth is taken into the body by snorting, smoking, or injecting.

The drug affects the whole central nervous system, specifically the brain. Meth increases the natural levels of dopamine, the organic chemical in the brain that is associated with body movement, motivation, and pleasure and pain. It floods the brain with incredible amounts of dopamine that it reinforces the user to retake the drug leading to meth addiction.

Meth Addiction Treatments

Having meth addiction takes an enormous toll on the body as well as on personal relationships. It could lead to violent behaviour, anxiety, and paranoia, among many. But, don’t think that having meth addiction is an inescapable hole. Though there are no approved medications for meth treatment yet, research is already being done to find a cure.

For now, the best treatment for methamphetamine addiction is through comprehensive treatment. Detoxification, Therapy, and Rehabilitation are the critical steps in this procedure. Through this process, the treatment of meth abuse is possible, and users could be reintegrated into society properly.


Meth addiction treatment starts with detoxification. The goal of this process is to remove or purge the presence of meth in the user’s body. And also to help their bodies readjust and to function without meth. The user is put in a medical detox program to help them manage the withdrawal symptoms and to provide ease in this transition.

Outpatient Program

The meth detox process varies from person to person but would generally depend on the user’s level of addiction. The level of addiction would depend on the duration of use. It also depends on the amount of meth taken in by the user.

If the user has a relatively short duration of use, has a minimal intake of meth, then the user can be placed in an outpatient program. It means that the treatment centre gives the person the medicine. He or she is allowed to do the detoxification process at home. Listed below are some of the criteria for the outpatient process.

  • Proof that the user has sober and reliable support systems (i.e. family and friends) who can assist.
  • Evidence that the house where the detox will be happening is drug-free (i.e. any kind of drug, including alcoholic drinks).
  • All unused medication should be surrendered to the treatment centre.
  • The user has to take part in aftercare group meetings and therapy.

Having to break the habit of addiction and facing the withdrawals could be difficult. It is best when you’re in a controlled environment like a treatment centre. However, being in the outpatient treatment process is more manageable to a person’s life.

Inpatient Program

The Inpatient Program is for those individuals who were taking meth for a more extended period and has brought in huge amounts of the drug. The individual will be placed in the inpatient program, especially if there are signs of relapse, depression, suicidal tendencies, and other mental health disorders during the detox process.

This program could also be selected if the environment where the individual lives is not helpful to the user’s sobriety. It may mean that the settings where other drugs are present and also if the home is giving the person a lot of stress.

In the Inpatient program, detoxification will happen in a treatment centre or hospital. Medication and support ( i.e. emotionally and psychologically, if needed) will be given by the staff while also keeping track of the user’s progress through withdrawal and the detox process.

Therapy and Rehabilitation

Once the user finishes with the detox process, therapy treatment is next. The goals of treatment and rehabilitation are to show the user how to cope and resist using meth. It is also to help them understand how they arrived at the point of using meth. Another goal is to show them that they can be better and healthier without the use of meth or any other drugs.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is one of the types of therapy used to treat meth addiction. Initially used for alcohol addiction, CBT has provided excellent results in treating meth addiction as well.

This method of therapy educates users on how to determine and correct troublesome behaviours and thoughts that trigger drug use. It also instructs their tactics on how to continue abstinence and to have better self-control. CBT also tackles the implications of meth addiction, keeping track of cravings, and determining risks and avoiding them.

12-Steps Program

12-step programs are similar to Alcoholics Anonymous, a program that focuses on giving in to a higher authority and progressing through the “steps” in order. Programs like Crystal Meth Anonymous can help users to attain and maintain sobriety.

An essential feature of this type of program is going to the meetings to create a kind of camaraderie and support with other people battling meth addiction. Sponsors, or people who are further in the process, also guide you through the steps.

Aftercare and Recovery

You might be thinking that once all the steps and treatments are complete, users are now all good and meth-free, but that is not the case. Continued recovery from meth needs discipline and effort. Relapsing is always a possibility, but that doesn’t mean the treatment was not sufficient. As long as the patient is vigilant and has the right support, they will become better.

There are resources like Sober Living Homes, or halfway houses, wherein recovering users can practice the learnings they had during treatment in a drug-free and safe environment. Sober living homes also provide a gentle transition from treatment to everyday living.

Meth can destroy our bodies and lives. Defeating meth addiction is severe and strenuous. But, there is hope. Taking the leap and pushing through the steps can lead to a complete recovery. If you need help or know someone who needs it, please call a meth hotline.

How to Help Your Loved One with Meth Addiction

Meth addicts are hard to recognize, some look thin and ill, and some may look healthy. Even though they may look healthy or not, they are still heading to serious health complications. Meth can also affect the brain of the user. It may lead to a sudden loss of interest in particular areas in their life. Examples of this include spending time with their family and loved ones.

Meth addiction must have treatment early; the longer you won’t treat this addiction, the harder their life will be fixed. It is essential to be well informed about this addiction, and we must be understanding and compassionate when helping our loved one in overcoming this addiction. These are the ways on how to improve your loved one with meth addiction.

Prepare an Intervention for your Loved One

Preparing an intervention for them might be difficult, to encourage the family that they tear apart is a lot of work to do. To do it, you have to be real with yourself. You must also be real to all of the people you have invited for this intervention. You have to set rules that there are boundaries when facing the person who is addicted to meth.

To start the intervention, you should set aside the anger and frustration. The way you should approach them must be loving and caring, so they can feel that there is still hope for a change. Give them memories before the addiction started, talk about the happy memories, the time when your family was complete, and how the meth addiction changed it.

Cleansing from Meth

When your loved one who’s addicted to meth seeks for help, detoxing is usually all drug addicts are advised to do. To have a successful meth cleansing, you need to have professional medical supervision. Meth cleansing needs to be supported emotionally, physically, and it may need to have medication if they need it.

The cleansing may depend on the stage of their addiction. It is best to look for professional help if the recovering individual needs medications. At this time, your loved one needs to be fully supported, and they need to be motivated. Make them feel that there are plenty of things that will change when they overcome this meth addiction.

Arrange Therapy Sessions

When your loved one is starting to cleanse, it is essential to arrange therapy for them. It is so you can understand the way they think and the things that they are experiencing. Also, this can help them to realize that there are better things to do than taking this drug.

The things that meth addiction does with their lives and families may lead to depression, and the addict may find it hard to forgive himself or herself. Meth can lead to brain damage and psychosis. But with the help of a professional therapist, it will help them control their lives and restore the life that they have lost during their meth addiction.

therapy session for methamphetamine

Assisting your Loved One

When supporting someone who is addicted to meth, you need to be cautious, in terms of the words you need to say that might hurt them. It is crucial to reach out to them and make them feel loved. Before, the confrontation was considered the best way to approach meth addicts, making them think that they will lose everything if they do not stop.

The best way to help them now is by giving them support and love. Don’t let them feel that there’s no hope for them to change. Always be on their side, be positive with them and give a reason to accept the changes that happened during the addiction. It is also best to engage them in mentally and physically healthy activities.

Finding the Right Meth Cleansing Program

If your loved one decided that he or she wants to enter a cleansing program, make sure to find the right meth cleansing program for your loved one. Always have professional medical advisory, if you wish your loved one to cleanse, make sure that it is successful. Creating a plan on finding the right meth cleansing program is the key to make sure that it will be successful.

Some may say that rehabilitation is a long journey for them, but this experience can help your loved one overcome his or her addiction. In finding the best cleansing program, you must ask yourself first if the rehabilitation centre addresses your specific needs. Assess it, especially in terms of taking care of your loved one. To help your loved one give the best program that will help him or her.

Give them a New Beginning

After the long term, detoxification of his or her meth addiction, give them a reason to feel welcome again. Gather all of his or her friends and make him or her feel accepted. Introduce your loved one to new activities, let them meet new groups that will help your loved one face the reality.

Give them a chance, support them from their new life, and help them to restore the life that they lose. There are chances that your loved one is still adjusting, and the best way that they won’t feel alone in this journey by always reaching out to them. Make sure to give them enough attention, and always put them in a loving and caring place.

Myths and Misconceptions About Methamphetamine

In the course of writing about the effects of meth addiction, we’ve compiled a lot of useful pieces of information for you. However, despite this, there are still a lot of grey areas regarding meth. Some of them touch on the dangers/effects of meth addiction. Some others are misconceptions about meth addiction symptoms. In this section, we’ll clarify some of the most pressing misconceptions.

Meth Preparation

More often than not, meth cookers will make the drug in their “home laboratories.” The first step is to purchase the ingredients. Usually, they’re quite cheap and can be bought at any local drugstore. The ingredients often include bizarre combinations of lithium batteries and drain cleaners, among other things.

Meth cookers begin by synthesizing the substance. This is done by ensuring that the elements are isolated in highly reactive products.

It is a known fact among drug dealers that you must never get hooked on your products. As such, many of them believe that as long as they can keep meth out of their system, they’re fine. However, this is so far from the truth.

Any place use as a meth lab is often inhospitable for humans afterwards. This is because the process of cooking meth releases multiple chemicals into the atmosphere. These chemicals are dangerous to humans, causing tremors, asthma, insomnia, and delusions. This is besides the fact that the chemicals and fumes are combustible. As such, they could lead to a fire outbreak at any time.

Recognizing a Meth Addict

In the war against drugs and the task to provide treatment for meth addiction in Ontario, messages have shown up here and there. In many of those messages on the mainstream media, you’ll see rather graphic images of people with meth problems. Usually, they’ll look incredibly thin and pale with their hair thinning out and their teeth rotten.

Technically speaking, a meth addict can look that way. This is especially so if they have several other underlying health issues. However, meth addiction isn’t always written on the forehead. Especially during the early stages, you may not see these physical signs. The best thing to do is to look out for the signs and symptoms we mentioned earlier. Afterwards, have a conversation with your loved one. Then, take action immediately. The sooner you tackle the problem, the better.

Meth and HIV

A particular grey area when it comes to methamphetamine is in the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Many people believe that the worst that can happen is contracting the disease while sharing meth injection needles. However, that isn’t the only problem that can arise.

For starters, some research shows that meth use increases the replication process of the virus. This would, in turn, increase the consequences and progression of the virus.

Secondly, meth users are much less likely to comply with their HIV medication prescriptions. Combined with the use of highly active antiretroviral therapy, HIV patients who do meth can develop AIDS more easily than those who don’t.

Finally, people living with HIV and meth addiction are more likely to experience higher cognitive impairment levels and neuronal injury.


The most important thing is the sooner you help your loved one from this addiction, the faster it will help them overcome meth addiction. Recovery is hard for them, some who have unsuccessful recovery lead to being back with the same old habit. We should always guide them and always protect our loved ones.

Although, these are not the only ways that you can help your loved ones from meth addiction. There’s a lot of advice and online searches about this addiction. It may help you increase your know-how on how to help not just your loved one but other meth addicts that need urgent attention. The most important thing is always to give full guidance and support to your loved one.

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