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reiki session cost in toronto

How Much Does A Reiki Session Cost In Toronto?

Reiki Session Cost

As addiction treatment and rehab evolve, a growing number of treatment facilities are incorporating Reiki into their programs. Reiki appeals to people with addictions and to addiction treatment providers because it helps reduce stress and generate a greater sense of control over one’s life. This makes the individual far more receptive to the therapies and treatments they are undergoing, making the addiction program as a whole far more effective than it might be otherwise.

Unfortunately, many people believe that addiction treatment is out of their financial reach. It is easy to see why they reach this conclusion: a Google search for drug and alcohol rehab facilities yields page upon page of private facilities that many people cannot afford. But there are treatment options available for people of all income levels, and Reiki may be more within your reach than you might have thought.

In this article, we will describe what Reiki is and why it is helpful, and go into some of the factors that influence the Reiki session cost.

What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of energy healing that has its origins in Japan. It is based on the idea that we are healthy, happy, and stress-free as long as our energy is flowing freely. When the energy becomes sluggish or if there is a blockage, we start to feel ill and tired, and our levels of stress and anxiety go up. The purpose of a Reiki session is to get the energy flowing smoothly.

During a typical session, you will be seated or lying down, fully clothed, while the Reiki practitioner holds their hands on or just above the part of your body that is causing the problem. This could be the location of one of the seven chakras, or energy points, or it could be a part of your body that is experiencing injury or pain.

Over a period of a few minutes, a transfer of energy takes place between the practitioner and the patient. Some practitioners report that during this time, they feel a warm or tingling sensation in their hands. When that sensation passes, the practitioner moves on to the next area that needs attention.

How Is Reiki Used In Addiction Treatment?

Addiction can be incredibly gruelling on the body and the mind. Recovery usually involves a combination of interventions, including group or individual therapy, nutrition and exercise counselling, and various medical treatments to help the body heal.

Healing from anything is more difficult when you are in a state of stress. Addiction recovery is inherently stressful: in most cases, you are delving into parts of yourself that are difficult to confront. It can be challenging to achieve the sense of calm that you really need in order for your addiction treatment to have maximum effectiveness.

Reiki can be a way of reducing anxiety and helping your mental and emotional energy flow smoothly. Your stress levels will be lower, and you may feel a greater sense of ownership over your own life and decisions. Very few Reiki practitioners would claim that Reiki alone will “cure” addiction. However many practitioners and addiction treatment providers agree that Reiki can be the element that ties together all other parts of a treatment program, leading to better outcomes for you.

Not only does Reiki help during the rehab phase of recovery, but it can also become part of your regular lifestyle once you go back to the “real world”. When you are faced with the challenges of life, Reiki can help keep you grounded and reduce your risk of relapse.

The Cost Of Reiki In Toronto

Reiki can be incorporated into addiction recovery for almost everybody, whether you are in a rehab program or choosing to recover without the help of treatment. Here are some factors that may determine the cost of a Reiki session in Toronto.

inclusion in an addiction treatment

Inclusion In An Addiction Treatment Program

If you are in an inpatient or outpatient rehab program, Reiki may already be included. Most addiction treatment facilities provide some form of customization in their programs, and you can ask if Reiki is included. It is a standard offering at a growing number of private rehab facilities, in which case there is no cost over and above what you are already paying for your treatment.

If you are going through rehab at a government-funded facility, Reiki may still be available, but at your cost, since Reiki is not a government-funded service in Ontario.

Taking Advantage Of Package Deals

If you are considering Reiki sessions outside of a rehab program, either because your rehab has come to an end or because you chose not to go to rehab in the first place, you can lower your cost by taking advantage of package deals. Many Reiki practitioners offer a discounted rate per session if you commit to and pay for multiple sessions upfront.

Some providers also offer a suite of services of which Reiki is just one. You may be able to benefit from a combo deal that includes other treatment methods, such as yoga or meditation.

Session Length

Some Reiki practitioners have a standard appointment length that applies to everyone, but others have options at different prices. For example, you may be able to choose between 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or one hour. Although longer sessions come at a higher cost, you may find that the cost per minute is significantly lower.

Mode Of Treatment

In this day and age of technology, many Reiki providers have turned to distance healing as a form of treatment. This has become especially popular since the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced a temporary halt to in-person interactions. Not only is distance learning often less expensive, but it is also accessible to anyone with a device and an Internet connection.

Financing Your Reiki Treatment

financing your reiki

It should be noted that the cost of Reiki is not covered under the Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP). If you think you could benefit from a Reiki session but are worried about the cost, here are some options you can look into:

  • Ask your medical insurance company if they will cover the full or partial cost of your Reiki sessions
  • Some Reiki providers will charge a lower fee to those who can demonstrate financial need
  • Some employers have employee assistance programs, and you may be able to access affordable Reiki through that

Addiction Treatment In Toronto

Addiction Rehab Toronto offers comprehensive addiction treatment that is customized to your unique needs and circumstances. No two people are alike, and everybody’s journey to recovery is different. Through a combination of treatment methods including group and individual therapy, nutrition and exercise counselling, life skills training, mindfulness and meditation, Reiki, and yoga, you can gain the skills and tools to lead a happy and productive life and leave addiction behind forever. Contact us today for more information.