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7 Tips to Help You Get Through Addiction Recovery

Quitting an addiction is easier said than done. While on the recovery path, you may encounter many challenges on your journey. However, adhering to some tips to get you through addiction recovery is helpful. With these tips, you are better equipped to surmount the challenges you may face along the way.

As the title suggests, this article comes packed with seven tips to help you as you recover from your addiction. If you are trying to recover from an addiction, do well to read through. Don’t just read through; practice these tips. If you do so, you will find your journey to sobriety easier to navigate.

How I Can Get Through My Addiction Recovery

Since you are on the addiction recovery path, you must know by now that it is not so easy. You need so much work to keep at it and avoid going back to your old ways. Sometimes, the craving is too intense that you find yourself wondering what can happen. However, this is all part of the journey.

Many who have achieved sobriety did so battling through the same experiences you may be having now. However, they stayed on the right path, which was not easy for them to do. Here are some of the tips to make the most out of addiction recovery that helped them.

Know the Things that Trigger You

This is one of the key tips to get you through addiction recovery. If you want to prevent yourself from having a relapse, you must identify things that cause you to relapse. Some of these triggers can be from external forces, while others are from within. After determining your triggers, you must take steps towards avoiding or preventing them.

This is easier said than done, but you can achieve your goals with continuous practice. During recovery, you may be triggered by stress, relationship troubles, or financial issues. Other things include emotional distress, being in contact with addicts, or your environment. If you find yourself surrounded by things that may lead you to drug use again, do well to cut them off.

Do not Stick to Your Old Habits

old habbits

Before you became addicted to drugs or alcohol, certain habits led you to it. Now that you are on the recovery path, you must not go back to them. Staying away from these habits is one of the answers to how to overcome addiction.

If you do not stop those habits, it will be easier for you to relapse. You do not go to a bar every day when you are trying to overcome alcohol addiction. Change those habits to newer and healthier habits that keep you on the recovery path.

Build New and Healthy Relationships

Your old relationships may have led you to addiction. Hence, now that you are on the recovery path, one of the tips to get you through addiction recovery is building healthier relationships. Stay away from the alcoholics and drug addicts you used to associate with.

Maintaining those toxic relationships increases the chances of relapsing. Instead of those kinds of friends, build friendships with sober people. You can also join support groups or spend time with friends and family that support your sobriety.

Live Right and Healthy

Part of how to ensure sobriety is by practising healthy living habits. Drugs and alcohol addiction usually takes a massive toll on your health. It not only negatively affects your physical health but also hits your emotional health hard. One of the best ways to aid your recovery is by prioritizing your health and self-care.

While in recovery, you must eat healthy and balanced food. Also, you must sleep well and exercise regularly. You must engage in recreational activities and hobbies and also practice healthy relaxation activities like yoga and meditation.

Related article: How to Build Healthier Eating Habits during Drug Addiction Recovery

Live a Balanced Life

healthy life

While trying to recover from addiction, you need to live a balanced life. Do not become too engrossed with the new activities you replaced your addictive habits with. It is good to adhere to healthy habits during recovery but not in a way that they also become addictive. If you become addicted to these activities, they can become stumbling blocks to a lasting recovery.

Therefore, it is good to find a healthy balance in all activities you do during recovery. Be in control over all things that you do. One way to do this is to have a structure that you follow diligently. That is when you know you are closer to total recovery.

Get Ready for Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms

During your recovery, you may experience post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). This is one of the critical tips to get you through addiction recovery. It is always good to get yourself prepared for these symptoms when they arise. Some of the PAWS symptoms you may experience include sleeping troubles, anxiety, irritability.

If you do not handle these symptoms properly, they can inhibit your recovery. This is why it is good to use professional addiction treatment services. They will help you manage these symptoms better and deal with them effectively.

Some of these symptoms can be severe and last for a long time. However, they don’t last forever. If handled properly, you will overcome them without issues.

When You Reach Milestones, Celebrate Them

It is vital to celebrate your achievements on your way to reaching sobriety. These celebrations, no matter how little, act as a help for a recovering addict. They remind you why you began your addiction recovery journey and help keep you motivated as you go on.

However, you must celebrate your milestones with activities that don’t trigger a relapse. Celebrate with activities that mirror your newfound way of life and healthy wellbeing.


The Role of Support Groups in Addiction Recovery

One of the best tips to break addiction habits is joining a support group. From your recovery experience, no matter how little it may be, you already know the fear you have of relapsing.

You can lower your chances of relapsing drastically by joining a support group. Besides that, these groups also help you maintain the lifestyles you developed in rehab.

Many rehab patients always find it difficult to carry their sobriety over into their everyday lives. However, with these support groups, you find it easier to avoid relapse. You also enhance your chances of remaining sober. Some of the support groups you can join include:

  • 12 Step Support Groups like Alcohol Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous
  • Alternative 12 Step Support Groups like SMART Recovery, LifeRing, S.O.S, etc. have similar objectives to 12 Step support groups.

Besides these support groups, your family and friends can also support you during recovery. The key is being in the company of those who will keep you focused on your objectives.

What Happens If I Relapse?

Even when you follow these tips to get you through addiction recovery, you may still relapse. If that happens, you must not panic. When you relapse, you must understand that it is not the end of the world. Instead, take positive steps to get the help that you need.

Identify what led to a relapse and take steps to prevent them. If you have to, you can re-enroll in a rehab program. After treatment, ensure you join a support group and avoid triggers. Surround yourself with positive people and never let your relapse kill the motivation you have.

On a Final Note

You have now come to the end of this informative article. You now know the tips to get you through addiction recovery. Practice these tips and maintain a healthy lifestyle at all times. However, if you relapse, ensure you get back up immediately and go again.

If you need help with your recovery, check out our addiction recovery services in Canada. Here at Addiction Rehab Toronto, we will help you get through your recovery quickly with our recovery plans, which you can maintain even after recovery. We’ll help you find new ways to live your everyday lives without fear of relapse. Find out more by calling us today!

Related article: Aftercare Treatment | Addiction Recovery