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Drug Detox Centres Cost in Canada?

What is the cost of Drug Detox Centres?

Information regarding the cost of drug detox centres in Canada is rarely specific. It’s usually a range or a cost estimate determined by several factors.

Drug abuse is becoming more rampant in our society. It’s very destructive to the user and their loved ones. Still, there is a lot of stigma surrounding drug abuse treatment as well. This may make it complicated for addicts to find solutions. However, the true barrier to enrolling at a drug detox centre in Canada is the cost.

In this blog, we will demystify all of the cobwebs surrounding the cost of drug detox centres. So buckle up and brace yourself for some hard-hitting facts.

By the end of this blog, you will have firsthand information on average drug detox pricing in Ontario. Ultimately, this will guide your decision on which detox centre works best for you.

Traditionally, a staffing unit consists of experienced and professional specialists. This includes nurses, psychologists, clinicians, holistic therapists, social personnel, and psychologists. Depending on the kinds of addiction specialists available, the cost of drug detox centres can climb.

A standard rehab will have the necessary registration and regulation to function. In a way, it’s a guarantee of your safety, affordability and security. It’s also proof the recovery center has the expertise to provide the necessary drug detox services.

The brain is changed by drug addiction. Constant exposure to a drug pleasures the reward system of the brain. Therefore, it affects the chemistry and receptors of the brain. The brain of a drug addict faces obsession with searching and consuming drugs.

In the next section, we’ll take a look at why the cost of drug detox centres is unavoidable.

Initial cost of drug detox

The initial cost of drug detox centres may seem steep. However, there are enormous benefits to checking yourself or a loved one in a facility. Early detection of addiction and enrolment into a detox centre helps mitigate the long-lasting effect.

Here are some of the advantages of paying the cost of drug detox.

  • High support levels in a recovery-focused community
  • The incentive to use is reduced because rehabs are based on abstinence.
  • A full medical detox minimizes the effects of drug withdrawal.
  • Specialized therapies for addiction with trained practitioners
  • Learn how to effectively process painful feelings without the need or urge for medications to alleviate them.
  • Learn how to create safe and lasting bonds with others
  • Unearth and cure the deep-rooted factors that propel addiction therapeutically.
  • Exit rehab drug-free and armed with a recovery program
  • Personalized recovery schedule specific to the needs of individual care
  • Efficient strategies and methods for preventing addiction relapse

Time for introspection

Patients learn a great deal about themselves during the drug detox process. They work on their illness and speed up the rehabilitation process. Drug rehab facilities are the reason many persons have come back from severe addiction.

Prevent severe health problems

When it comes to drug addiction, how much drug detox centres cost should be secondary. The primary goal should be making sure the addiction detox proceeds safely.

To heal, it is necessary to recognize that substance dependence and drug addiction are life-threatening. As such, the clinical care you can get at drug detox centres is vital.

Related Article: How Much Do Drug Detox Centres Cost in Canada?

stop addiction

Detox cost can reach 5 figures

The cost of drug detox centres ranges from $2,000-$5,000. However, in severe cases of drug addiction, for instance, where the patient needs an extended detox program, prices can climb. In this scenario, the cost of drug detox centres can reach $10,000.

Payment options for drug detox centres

The pricing model for drug detox centres is one of the most commonly asked questions about drug addiction therapy. We all know the very first step to take on the road to a healthy life is drug detoxification.

However, many patients, including their families, worry about the financial side of this care. They ponder whether they can afford it. In Ontario, how much you can expect to pay for drug detox can be affordable thanks to payment programs

The first way of paying for drug detox services can be through insurance. The government has come up with a mandate. It dictates that suppliers of health care must offer the possibility of insurance coverage for drug addiction recovery. Health insurance policies must provide benefits for the following:

  • Inpatient health care
  • Addiction treatment
  • Psychotherapy and counselling

Even if you don’t have insurance, there are other options you can pursue. Some centres provide accessible and low-income detox programs. The cost of these drug detox centres is more affordable. Besides, several rehab centers for addiction offer many funding alternatives for people without insurance.

Factors that determine the cost of drug detox centres

It is impossible to pinpoint the precise price of alcohol and drug detox. It’s because the pricing depends on a variety of factors which may vary from facility to facility. Some considerations that decide the cost of drug or alcohol detoxification include:

  • Insurance coverage
  • Form or degree of drug dependency
  • Method of therapy
  • Location of the hospital for treatment
  • Amenities available
  • Prior history of past efforts at recovery

Cost of outpatient vs in-patient detox

Outpatient drug detox programs cost less than inpatient care. The explanation is simple. Outpatient services do not require patients in the care to remain in the hospital. The inpatient care charges, on the other hand, cover the time spent living in the facilities.

But bear in mind that inpatient detox offers more structure. It’s the best option for people with serious addiction and without a good support network.

The cost of an outpatient drug detox will vary from $300-$800. On the other hand, the cost of in-patient detox can go as high as $1,500 per day. Remember, the detox centre will have to factor in the cost of daily medical treatments, monitoring, feeding and more!

detox plan

Length of drug detox program

One crucial factor that determines how much you will pay for drug detox is the timeline of the program. Remember, the main aim of drug detox is to help you manage withdrawal symptoms while preventing relapse.

Although there is a timeline for how long these relapse symptoms will last, it’s not set in stone. How long you have been abusing the drug will determine the intensity of your withdrawal symptoms. Consequently, it will determine how long you have to spend in a drug detox centre.

Mostly, drug detox programs in Ontario can last anywhere from 2-4 weeks depending on your withdrawal symptoms. If a two-week drug detox program is recommended by the doctors, then the cost of your drug detox program will be more affordable.

However, if you end up needing more time at the detox centre, you can expect the cost to spiral. An extended timeline for your drug addiction program is an indication of a deeper problem.

As such, you will not have to cover the cost of extra living expenses that come with more time at rehab. You will also have to cover the cost of extra medication that will be necessary to prevent health complications. As such, longer detox programs can cost three times as much as shorter detox programs.

Is the cost of drug detox centres worth it?

According to the CCSA, drug misuse costs Canada more than $38.4 billion annually. Therefore, recovery will lead to reducing these costs. It has been found that drug abuse care decreases the resulting clinical and societal effects of drug addiction. It is greater than the expense of the treatment itself.

Treatment is often much less costly than the substitutes such as incarcerating addicts. For instance, the estimated cost is $4,700 per patient for a full year of methadone maintenance therapy. On the other hand, a full year of incarceration costs approximately $24,000 per person.

A dollar spent in alcohol recovery services yields a positive return. Therefore, this justifies the cost of drug detox centres as a whole. Total benefits will outweigh losses by a ratio of 12 to 1. This is especially where savings related to hospital bills are put into consideration.

There are also substantial benefits for people and communities from fewer interpersonal conflicts. There may be an increase in productivity in the workplace. Additionally, there will be fewer drug-related injuries, including overdoses and deaths.

Related Article: Cost of Cocaine Addiction Treatment in Canada

Final analysis on cost

Drug detox centre costs in Ontario can vary widely. A lot of expenses depend on each patient and several other variables. As we have covered in the article, it’s possible to pay as low as $2,000 for addiction rehab.

However, this number can also go up depending on the severity of your withdrawal symptoms. Usually, it means you’ll have to spend longer in a detox centre. This can increase how much you should expect to pay for drug detox.

Thankfully there are financing solutions that can help reduce the amount you have to pay out of pocket. For instance, comprehensive insurance coverage can cover up to half of drug detox centre costs.

Here at Addiction Rehab Toronto, we provide premium drug detox services. We also offer affordable payment plans for both inpatient and outpatient services. Our priority is our patients enjoying a smooth road to recovery.