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type of alcohol rehab program

Types of Alcohol Rehab Programs: Which Treatment Option is Right for You?

The 2017 Life in Recovery from Addiction in Canada report showed that over 50% of Canadians achieve full recovery after partaking in addiction rehab programs. That means alcohol rehab programs give you a half chance at full recovery without relapsing.

The impressive success rate is a result of how addiction caregivers specifically tailor treatment regimens for each patient. Instead of a one-size-fits-all solution, they provide multiple alcohol rehab programs and recommend the best options for each individual.

It’s best you’re aware of the types of alcohol rehab programs available and which one may be right for you. Here we’ll discuss the different alcohol addiction recovery options to determine the appropriate one for you.

The Alcohol Rehab Types

There are two primary types of alcohol rehab programs. Doctors will recommend one for you after examining your alcohol use history and tendencies. That said, the two options aren’t mutually exclusive, as such, doctors can start with one and transition to the other later.

That said, the two primary recovery programs are general categories that often include a bunch of secondary treatment options. Let’s explore the primary recovery regimes and the accompanying secondary treatment options.

Residential Rehab Program

The residential or inpatient alcohol rehab program requires you to stay at a special treatment facility for a predetermined amount of time. Primarily, the inpatient rehab program ensures you’re in a place where caregivers will consistently monitor and administer care to you round-the-clock.

Medical practitioners often recommend this treatment option for individuals with extreme addiction issues. These addicts may experience severe withdrawal symptoms that can be life-threatening. That’s why doctors keep them in a facility to monitor them and respond swiftly should any such thing occur.

In addition, doctors also recommend it for patients who are at a high risk of relapsing. The aim is to cut the patient off from access to alcohol. Doing that helps them concentrate on healing while managing their cravings.

During inpatient rehab, the caregivers will put you through various treatment procedures for comprehensive recovery. But normally, doctors recommend starting every substance addiction recovery with a detox.

Detox helps to get rid of the alcohol remnant from the body. This procedure is crucial to allow your body to remove all alcohol traces and begin healing. The detox process usually takes a few days.

Depending on how you respond to the detox, doctors will recommend subsequent procedures toward your full recovery. In most cases, patients proceed from detox to therapy

At therapy, you’ll participate in a series of therapeutic sessions aimed at addressing your habitual tendencies responsible for alcohol abuse. Here you’ll evaluate the “Why” behind your addiction and learn to deal with it.

During an inpatient rehab program, you’ll partake in any of the following treatment formats per your doctor’s recommendations.

  • Detox: Here, you only need to go through a detoxification procedure after which caregivers will set you up for counseling. Doctors often recommend this for people with mild addiction problems.
  • Short-term Inpatient: Short-term inpatient treatment involves numerous evidence-based treatment modalities. The process typically takes between 3 to 6 weeks during which you’ll partake in therapy programs which may include medication-assisted treatment.
  • Long-term Inpatient: This option is fundamentally an extended version of short-term inpatient treatment. It usually takes between 6 – 12 months during which patients get access to extensive forms of therapy and life-changing experiences.

Inpatient alcohol rehab programs are best for chronic addicts who are susceptible to severe withdrawal symptoms. But then, it requires patients to put 100% of their time into recovery for the duration of the treatment. This option is only right if you can afford to commit significant time to recovery.

Related Article: What to Expect After In-patient Treatment

short-term inpatient treatment

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient rehab programs allow patients to take treatment from home or wherever they prefer. It doesn’t require the addict to live in a facility or be under constant watch during addiction recovery.

Outpatient alcohol rehab programs in Ontario only require you to attend scheduled sessions with the caregiver for examination and treatment. You get to return home and go about your daily business after each session.

The main advantage of this alcohol rehab program is the flexibility it gives patients to continue their everyday activities while taking treatment. Plus, you won’t have to live in a facility and incur additional accommodation costs.

Outpatient programs also have different categories and you may partake in any of them based on your caregivers’ recommendations.

  • Intensive Outpatient Program: Here you enjoy almost all the benefits of an inpatient program, except the residency. During the treatment, you’ll go through detox, rehab, and therapy. Doctors may also recommend medication-assisted treatment based on your recovery progress.
  • Counseling and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: This treatment category will primarily feature discussions with trained individuals. The therapists will help you identify the cause of your addiction and how to avoid your triggers. Essentially, they’ll help you figure out a way to live an alcohol-free life.
  • Support Groups: Support groups offer strength in camaraderie. Here, you’ll find a gathering of individuals fighting addiction or other psychological issues and join up with them. The goal is to find help and strength in the community and the shared struggle.

The length of outpatient rehab programs varies significantly depending on the different categories. It may take weeks, months, or even years to complete. But this alcohol rehab program is best for you if you want to maintain your everyday life while simultaneously getting help for addiction recovery.

Related Article: How to Decide Which Type of Rehab Program is Best for You

Choose The Right Alcohol Rehab Program for You

There you have the two primary alcohol rehab programs; it’s left to you to select the right one for you. If you don’t mind disappearing from public view for some time and can afford the expenses, then you should consider an inpatient program.

On the other hand, if you intend to maintain a life outside of the recovery procedure, an outpatient program affords you the freedom for it. The crucial point is ensuring you follow all instructions from your caregivers.

Regardless of which option you choose, we’re ready to help you to the best of our abilities. Feel free to contact us at Addiction Rehab Toronto to discuss the best alcohol withdrawal options for your recovery needs.